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Подул холодный, пронизывающий ветер и швырнул Андрею в лицо пригоршню колючего снега. Андрей проморгался, накинул на голову капюшон комуфлированной спецназовской куртки и заерзал, устраиваясь поудобней в лёжке. По его расчетам ждать оставалось еще около получаса. Затем на все- про у него было около пяти секунд. Но он справится, он успеет. Закрыв глаза, парень углубился в воспоминания.
Ему пять лет. Новый год, в углу комнаты стоит ободранная елка, увешанная бумажными игрушками и мишурой. Андрей лежит на животе под ней и старательно выводит печатными буквами письмо Деду Морозу: «Дедушка Мороз я хачу солдатиков и кастюм мушкитера. И шпагу хачу». Сворачивает письмо и кладет под елку. Елка вкусно пахнет смолой и ее аромат разбавляет застоявшийся в квартире запах вечного отцовского перегара, сигарет «Астра» и грязных носков. Потом бежит к своей кроватке, ложится и натягивает одеяло по самые глаза, стараясь поскорее уснуть, чтоб наступило утро нового года и под елкой его ждали подарки.

Андрюша проснулся посреди ночи. В комнате, где стояла елка, кто-то шаркал и кряхтел. «Дед Мороз!»- от этой мысли мальчика бросило в жар и он напряженно застыл под одеялом, до боли напрягая слух.
- Фу, бля… Солдатики… Шпагу… Залупу на керосине, бля! Ото нехуй! Вот, книга,бля. «Как закалялась сталь». Пусть читает. Мушкетер ёбаный…- произнеся эту речь, Дед Мороз громко перднул и прошаркал вглубь комнаты. Со скрипом открылась дверь балкона, затем все стихло.
Андрей лежал и давился слезами. Дед Мороз не принес подарков и говорил нехорошие слова, за которые в садике бьют по губам и заставляют мыть рот с мылом. Утром он действительно нашел под елкой потрепанную книгу. С этой самой поры в маленьком детском сердечке поселилась лютая ненависть к бородатому старику. Он никому и никогда не рассказывал об этом случае, но не забыл его. Что-то черное и злое навсегда поселилось в душе мальчика.
Будучи подростком, каждый Новый Год Андрей отлавливал и жестоко избивал фальшивых Дедов Морозов, не обращая внимание на вопли Снегурочек. Но обрывая ватные бороды и круша красные носы подвыпивших, не в чем не повинных мужиков, он не находил успокоения. Ему был нужен тот самый, настоящий, который так жестоко обошелся с ним в детстве.
После окончания школы, Андрея забрали в армию, попал он в морскую пехоту. Развитого физически, выносливого и сообразительного паренька приметили почти сразу же и перевели в школу боевых пловцов. За неполных три года из Андрея стараниями инструкторов вылепили матерого диверсанта. Когда пришло время увольняться, за плечами парня была уже не одна боевая операция, где он показал себя профессионалом высокого класса. Ему предложили продолжить службу в рядах ГРУ. Андрей без колебаний согласился.
Проявляя максимум упорства, Андрей быстро продвигался по служебной лестнице. И получив доступ к секретным архивам, он первым делом принялся за поиски всех упоминаний о Дед Морозе. И данные нашлись. Оказалось, что Дед Мороз не одинок, он и Санта-Клаус- совершенно разные лица, вместе с остальным сонмом новогодних волшебников других народов. Специалисты из Аннанербе и НКВД в свое время провели серьезную работу и вычислили примерные маршруты, привычки и особенности дедов Морозов.

- Ну вот мы и встретились снова,- Андрей не мог утихомирить злобную радость. Он зажал Деда Мороза со Снегурочкой в убогой, обоссаной парадной. Глушитель, навинченный на ствол АПС, упирался в морщинистый лоб старика. Снегурочка мелко тряслась и икала, румянец схлынул с ее пухлых щечек,- помнишь меня? «Как закалялась сталь»,блять… Помнишь, пидор бородатый?
- Я знаю тебя, Андрюша. Но я к тебе никогда не приходил в детстве. Я прихожу только к тем, кто сильно нуждается…- ответил старик хриплым басом. Диверсант прокрутил в голове звуковой файл многолетней давности. Голос совпадал.
- Пиздишь, мразь! Сейчас ты у меня за все получишь!- Андрей ткнул глушителем в зубы Деда, затем коротко, без замаха саданул под челюсть рукоятью. Старик поплыл, Андрей подхватил обмякающее тело и пристегнул его наручниками к перилам. Надавив пальцами на точки за ушами, грушник привел Деда в чувство.
- А сейчас будет шоу, старый мудак,- Андрей шагнул к дрожащей Снегурочке и подсечкой поставил ее на колени,- уж не думал ли ты, что я просто тебя пристрелю?
Расстегнув ширинку, мужчина вытащил член и пару раз мазнул вялым по губам скривившейся в брезгливой гримасе Снегурочке.
- Хуле ты морщишься, пизда?- Андрей легонько стукнул ей по темечку пистолетом,- соси давай, сука, а то я вышибу мозги этому гандону! Будешь хорошо работать, глядишь я вас живыми отпущу. Так что старайся.
- Он все равно убьет нас, - ровным тоном промолвил старик, -не унижайся, не доставляй ему удовольствия.
Девушка посмотрела на Деда и отрицательно покачала головой. Затем взяла напрягшийся член Андрея в руку и потянула в рот.
- Но я не умею…- прошептала Снегурочка,- я же никогда…
- Соси, блять!- зашипел на нее диверсант и шлепнул ее ладонью по уху из которого тут же заструилась кровь.
Девушка всхлипнула и по самые яйца затолкала в горло отвердевший, словно вырезанный из дерева, хуй Андрея. Мужчина положил руку с пистолетом на плечо Снегурочки, другой взял ее за голову и принялся совершать фрикционные движения. Прикованный к перилам Дед Мороз скулил и кусал губы в бессильной злобе. Готовившийся к этому действу Андрей воздерживался больше двух недель и потому кончил буквально через минуту, выдернув член изо рта девушки, он обильно оросил густой, тягучей спермой лицо Снегурочки, заливая глаза и залепляя ноздри. Семя стекало по губам и подбородку девушки за шиворот. Она отвернулась от насильника, ее сотрясали рвотные спазмы. Андрей усмехнулся, подошел к Деду Морозу, вытер хуй об его бороду и спрятал его в штаны.
- Ну как, понравилось? Мне – да. Самый лучший Новый год в моей жизни. Ладно, хорош пиздеть,- Андрей выпрямился, навел пистолет на старика и выстрелил. АПС с тихим хлопком выплюнул пулю в лицо Деда, по выложенному плиткой полу парадной покатилась горячая гильза. Развернувшись, мужчина выстрелил в затылок блюющей Снегурочке. Та нелепо раскинув руки упала лицом, развороченным выходным отверстием пули, в лужу собственной блевотины. Андрей подобрал гильзы и вышел на улицу. Если архивы Аннанербе не врали, то к утру трупы должны растаять, оставив после себя только две лужицы воды…

Андрей открыл глаза. Ему не нужно было смотреть на часы, внутренний хронометр точно отсчитал положенное время до подлета цели. Из-за туч лениво выползла полная луна, залив тусклым светом Скалистые горы. Андрей поднялся с лежки, откинул с головы капюшон и пристроил на плече тубу ПЗРК «Стингер». Везти родную «Иглу» или «Стрелу 2-м» через границу США было слишком опасно.
На фоне луны появился четкий силуэт саней, запряженных оленьей упряжкой, над скалами пронеслось громогласное «Йо-хо-хо!» и озорной свист.
- А сейчас- рождественский фейерверк!- пробормотал Андрей и нажал на спусковой крючок. Ракета вырвалась из тубы и направляемая системой самонаведения, с шипением понеслась к цели…
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BKI89yLem |19.01.19 : 05:53
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Like a core point guard, garage along with three split the difference is he is the team attract and organizer. In various other words, he can't become novak on the perimeter around looking forward to kd shoes someone else to provide him the ball. We take novak to a comparison, everything also - reference counted for all of us each a 3-pointer allows objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found in 2010 hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is really a teammate's pass and hit; Three-point shots hit the next more this season Ryan - Anderson is no exception, he hit curry shoes inside 213, has 206 relies on your friend's passing.

The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, you will discover 105 of 3 just isn't sending (272), in other words, is to create chances, nasty sto vote. This trick from the team's star, such seeing that flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because someone errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio is not high. But obviously is usually an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times seriously isn't assists quantity highest within alliance,stephen curry shoes even better when compared with lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, along with the shooting is in the league all five this sort of not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), both quality and quantity. Used together, the three points to help thrown into space just isn't an easy thing, need to have the forty percent three-point shots ought to create his own photos, this how tired! Probably the most precious is, no make a difference when and where, and how to make moves, garage has an increased percentage. It is no wonder the manager of the a warrior when Bob myers lately told the Associated Press said: "as long seeing that it's garage, to obtain the ball is reasonable. ".

Tag: kyrie irving shoes kyrie 3 nike free adidas tennis hu pharrell kyrie 4 halloween kyrie 3 shoes adidas ultra boost 4 nike roshe run two curry 5 nike zoom vaporfly adidas iniki Lebron soldier 11 yeezy shoes adidas nmd hyperdunk 2017 porsche design shoes john wall shoes kyrie 2 curry shoes nike kyrie 4 triple s Shoes lebron shoes lebron soldier 10 vibram fivefingers new balance running shoes kyrie 2 shoes kyrie 4 halloween kyrie 1 lebron soldier 11 puma fenty adidas zx flux nike lunar force 1 kyrie 4 kyrie irving jersey curry 2 anello backpack outlet kd 10 curry shoes kyrie 4 kyrie irving shoes Nike Football Cleats kevin durant jersey air max 90 curry 4 yeezy triple white yeezy supreme air jordan 31 pegasus 35 air force 1 balenciaga shoes kyrie 4 asics gel kayano 24 nike air more uptempo curry 5 adidas terrex lebron shoes d rose 8 lebron 16 adidas nmd r1 primeknit adidas yeezy outlet nike mercurial michael jordan shoes kd shoes kevin durant shoes Nike CR7 Cleats adidas deerupt runner curry 4 Shoes wholesale caps asics gel kayano 23 nike air max 97 air jordan shoes kyrie 5 kyrie irving jersey kyrie shoes kyrie 4 shoes kyrie shoes kd 11 calvin klein vans shoes ugg 5815 nike sb dunk yeezy boost puma suede adidas crazy explosive ultra boost 3.0 nike air presto

BobbyLem |28.01.19 : 09:46
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

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BKI89yLem |10.02.19 : 14:28
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

As a core point guard, garage along with three split the difference is that she is the team mentor and organizer. In other words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around anticipating kd shoes someone else to provide him the ball. We take novak to your comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer helps objects, and to time period, after statistics, novak found shock as to hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is often a teammate's pass and reach; Three-point shots hit the second more this season Ryan - Anderson is not any exception, he hit curry shoes in 213, has 206 relies upon your friend's passing.

The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, there are 105 of 3 just isn't sending (272), basically, is to create opportunities, nasty sto vote. This trick inside team's star, such while flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, John, but often because someone errs, physical strength use, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio isn't high. But obviously is surely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times isn't assists quantity highest within alliance,stephen curry shoes even better when compared with lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, as well as the shooting is in any league all five these kinds of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), both equally quality and quantity. Taken together, the three points for you to thrown into space is not an easy thing, have to have the forty percent three-point shots must create his own photographs, this how tired! The most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and how to make moves, garage has a higher percentage. It is no wonder which the manager of the players when Bob myers not long ago told the Associated Press said: "as long as it's garage, to receive the ball is reasonable. inch.

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BKI89yLem |10.02.19 : 15:26
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A pair of steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first 1 fourth, and the two steals to garage an overall total of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Craig, became the steals within the history of the warriors team inside the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside game, this also let his / her playoff three-pointers hit number nearly 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he furthermore only six three things.

37 points in solely three games, came curry shoes one's, and this is his this year, including playoffs) eighth score 35 + video game with three alone, greater than 7 times of Russell westbrook, the surface of the league.

So many record the 1st world war, there is no doubt the game can be said to be the garage in this series played the top game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 28. 3 points and 4. 7 rebounds, 6 facilitates, shooting 40. 3% as well as 35. 3% from 3, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a certain degree of decline, however the game, garage completely crazy. The blazers in many players to hound your ex, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Storage area, as it were, in the game again to find out "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kd shoes more effective goals, including vast ranges of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting within the stands to watch the actual old garage, it also appears to obtain son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens on the old garage, he can't help but shook his / her head.

Of course, no matter what other people think, garage three points with regards to own performance with total confidence. In the 3 rd quarter the warriors using 88-58 big lead your blazers, garage outside the particular three-point line again, the ball clear of the one hand, they turned back field, the ball firmly to the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points with this state, the other get together can say what?

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BobbyLem |22.02.19 : 07:15
Комментарии: 2892

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BKI89yLem |26.04.19 : 03:08
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

To be a core point guard, garage along with three split the difference is which he is the team bring in and organizer. In some other words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around awaiting kd shoes someone else to give him the ball. We take novak with a comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer aids objects, and to time, after statistics, novak found this season hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is often a teammate's pass and hit; Three-point shots hit your second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't exception, he hit curry shoes with 213, has 206 depends on your friend's passing.

The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, there are 105 of 3 is just not sending (272), quite simply, is to create chances, nasty sto vote. This trick inside the team's star, such as flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, John, but often because somebody errs, physical strength usage, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously is surely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times seriously isn't assists quantity highest with alliance,stephen curry shoes even better than lebron James thrown in more all 3-pointers, as well as the shooting is in a league all five this kind of not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), equally quality and quantity. Taken together, the three points for you to thrown into space is not an easy thing, have to have the forty percent three-point shots have to create his own images, this how tired! One of the most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and making moves, garage has a top percentage. It is no wonder the manager of the a warrior when Bob myers recently told the Associated Press said: "as long since it's garage, to obtain the ball is reasonable. inches.

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BKI89yLem |04.06.19 : 04:30
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A pair of steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first fraction, and the two steals to garage earnings of 106 times inside playoffs career steals, which often transcends the rick Craig, became the steals from the history of the warriors team in the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let his playoff three-pointers hit number nearly 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff historical past list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he in addition only six three factors.

37 points in just three games, came curry shoes someone's, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) eighth score 35 + activity with three alone, over 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.

So many record the 1st world war, there is no doubt the game can be considered the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first three games, garage is averaging 27. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 aids, shooting 40. 3% in addition to 35. 3% from three, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a clear degree of decline, however the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in numerous players to hound your pet, but no one can easily disturb his rhythm. Storage area, as it were, in the game again to learn "day day" feeling.

11 three-point range out hand, hit kd shoes seven goals, including vast kilometers of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting in the stands to watch your old garage, it also appears to possess son's playing god are most often some incredible performance. The lens on the old garage, he couldn't help but shook their head.

Of course, whatever other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with complete confidence. In the finally quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead the blazers, garage outside the particular three-point line again, the ball away from the one hand, this individual turned back field, the ball firmly into the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points in this particular state, the other get together can say what?

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BobbyLem |19.06.19 : 09:48
Комментарии: 2892

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BobbyLem |19.06.19 : 11:44
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BKI89yLem |22.07.19 : 14:21
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is not the whole garage day-to-day work, and don't overlook, Stephen curry is the actual team in assists in addition to steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists inside the regular season, 14 in the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is actually averaging 9. 3 assists because the league the first! Let's imagine a graphic, 40 minutes per game inside Treasury, attack launched a multitude of times, there are always a few ball he wasn't inside outside, but the basketball inside, attracted a two times... What will happen subsequently? There was a man they can tell you the reply, curry shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the fantastic state warriors, he made shock as to 211 3-pointers, finished third inside league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 is derived from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 year to contrast the storage and ray Allen within '05 -' 06 : Allen into 269 3-pointers, and they are the Seattle supersonics. That will year, Allen's 269 associated with 653 three-point shots, opportunity 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 shots in his Arsenal, often 45. 3%; That calendar year, Alan ball attack generate 3 ratio is less than a quarter, compared along with 38. 6% in data bank; That year, Allen's assists the phone number 3. 7, less compared to Treasury for three helps. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand straight down the garage outline: he not merely completed the sharpshooter qualifications, his teammates for his / her creation of free-throw possibilities into; He will also look for opportunities simultaneously, through the ball cutting-edge, stopped for no facilitates 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can go assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Besides can catch vote, will likely urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to people, this star, unique! Now i'm kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are unable to define Stephen curry, must also be in with the "great" rhetoric.

Tag: kyrie irving shoes puma suede kobe bryant jersey kyrie 4 confetti kobe shoes calvin klein underwear adidas boost curry 5 shoes kobe 10 Lebron soldier 11 adidas deerupt air max 90 nike pg 2 vibram puma rihanna creepers velvet nike vapormax nike mercurial adidas soccer cleats nike kyrie 4 kyrie 5 new era caps kd 10 lebron soldier 10 adidas iniki kyrie 4 adidas yeezy nike air max 97 lebron 15 adidas ultra boost Nike CR7 kyrie 2 shoes lebron shoes nike epic react curry 5 kyrie irving shoes under armour shoes kyrie irving basketball shoes curry 4 shoes john wall shoes puma fenty nike epic react flyknit curry 5 lebron 16 Nike Pegasus 35 nike huarache adidas nmd vans sk8 hi harden vol 2 kyrie 1 curry 5 shoes air jordan 32 nike sock racer paul george shoes nike air max 270 nike hyperdunk hand spinner stephen curry basketball shoes kyrie irving jersey kd shoes nike zoom vaporfly elite adidas ultra boost kd 11 Nike Lebron James Shoes kyrie irving jersey puma fenty slides lebron soldier 10 lebron james shoes kyrie 4 halloween adidas zx flux yeezy boost kyrie 4 kd 11 nike lebron shoes jordan retro kyrie irving shoes michael jordan shoes birkenstock shoes kyrie 3 shoes vans shoes adidas yeezy boost kobe bryant shoes Nike CR7 lebron 14 shoes air max 270 nike zoom vaporfly puma fenty

BKI89yLem |22.07.19 : 15:54
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Half-court concluded,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 things and 4 rebounds 6 helps, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 gets the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat from the second half, even his one-on-one hit his things. In this series, OuWenBen needs to have certain advantages in counterpoint, such as the finals last year, as the season of Christmas wars, with their strong private fortunes turned.

But today the warriors on the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to find the rhythm. Actually, today quite often was clay - Thompson Lord Owen, although Owen hit a dead in front of him, but clay height reach or to some degree, limits the Owen's attack. In only a few times facing single singled out with his Arsenal, although Owen possesses good performance, but also it's hard an extra shot for a knight.

Total play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists in the Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kevin durant shoes shots. 24 points and 3 rebounds, 3 assists, Owen has scored 17 points inside first half, he scored seven points in the second half. Facing the big four in the mighty, and only Erina Owen in one-on-one get garage have chances, but today's garage to try and do better.

Tag: kyrie irving shoes adidas deerupt Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 nike air max 270 kyrie irving jersey kyrie 4 halloween curry 2 calvin klein nike kyrie shoes stephen curry jersey michael jordan shoes kobe bryant jersey adidas boost adidas zx flux air max 90 kyrie irving shoes lebron 15 puma fenty slides john wall shoes kyrie 4 kyrie irving jersey curry 5 curry 4 nike huarache puma fenty kevin durant jersey adidas yeezy outlet birkenstock sandals kyrie shoes 3 kyrie 5 kyrie 3 curry shoes ultra boost nike pg 2 kd 11 kd 11 shoes puma fenty lebron 14 kyrie 4 shoes adidas eqt ultra boost 3.0 vans sk8 hi nike air max 270 vibram shoes nike zoom vaporfly elite adidas yeezy boost ultra boost adidas kyrie 2 nike kobe shoes lebron james shoes kyrie 4 confetti lebron 16 nike zoom vaporfly kyrie irving shoes yeezy shoes Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 nike epic react puma rihanna creepers velvet stephen curry shoes nike mercurial asics gel kayano 23 Nike Football Cleats lebron james shoes Lebron soldier 11 nike epic react curry 5 soldier 11 nike air max 97 kd 10 Nike Pegasus 35 kyrie 4 kyrie 1 pg shoes adidas ultra boost 4 kyrie irving shoes nike air presto nike lebron 14 kd shoes air jordan shoes kobe 11 nike sock racer kobe shoes kyrie 4 halloween nike hyperdunk kyrie 3 mizuno shoes

BKI89yLem |30.07.19 : 14:58
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is just not the whole garage everyday work, and don't forget about, Stephen curry is the particular team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists in the regular season, 14 from the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists as the league the first! Let's imagine a photo, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched a large number of times, there are always many ball he wasn't within the outside, but the golf ball inside, attracted a twice... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he can tell you the solution, curry shoes he called clay : Thompson, from the gold state warriors, he made this season 211 3-pointers, finished third inside the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 is derived from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 period to contrast the storage and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 : Allen into 269 3-pointers, and they are the Seattle supersonics. That will year, Allen's 269 involving 653 three-point shots, chance 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 images in his Arsenal, as tall as 45. 3%; That calendar year, Alan ball attack generate 3 ratio is below a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in repository; That year, Allen's assists the amount 3. 7, less compared to the Treasury for three allows. So the outline, the image associated with an alternative 3-pointers hand along the garage outline: he besides completed the sharpshooter background, his teammates for their creation of free-throw prospects into; He will also look for opportunities while doing so, through the ball discovery, stopped for no allows 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can go assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Besides can catch vote, will urgent stopped, can generate more opportunities to others, this star, unique! I am kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words happen to be unable to define Stephen curry, also need to be in with the "great" rhetoric.

Tag: kyrie irving shoes nike zoom vaporfly elite ultra boost 3.0 kyrie shoes lebron soldier 10 asics gel kayano 23 kyrie irving jersey kyrie 4 shoes nike sock racer adidas iniki kd 11 john wall shoes new era caps Nike Football Cleats kyrie irving shoes kobe 11 kyrie irving jersey calvin klein underwear nike air vapormax harden vol 2 air force 1 kyrie irving shoes adidas ultra boost lebron james shoes puma fenty curry 4 shoes ultra boost 4.0 kyire 3 curry 5 puma suede curry 5 kyrie 2 shoes mizuno running shoes adidas crazy explosive kevin durant jersey kyrie 3 shoes kyrie 2 curry 5 shoes yeezy shoes adidas football cleats nike free kyrie irving shoes stephen curry shoes birkenstock puma rihanna creepers lebron 14 adidas eqt nike epic react Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 air max 90 stephen curry shoes hand spinner vibram kobe bryant jersey vans sk8 hi adidas yeezy outlet adidas boost kobe shoes pg shoes kyrie 4 nike kyrie 3 kyrie 3 adidas nmd shoes nike hyperdunk under armour shoes nike air more uptempo birkenstock sandals stephen curry jersey kyrie 4 confetti nike air max 270 nike kobe shoes ultra boost nike air max 97 nike zoom vaporfly soldier 11 kevin durant shoes nike air presto nike huarache adidas porsche design shoes puma fenty adidas yeezy kyrie 5 lebron 15 kobe 10 kyrie 4 lebron 16

BKI89yLem |22.09.19 : 09:08
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Garage beneath stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the start the left side on the body without any slowdown, his footsteps choiceness and fast, soon arrived at the position you intend to go. Unlike most pitcher like the middle of gravity down, then struggled to jump to complete, the garage action much more concise. Don't waste any time and effort, just jump off the earth, slightly triggered his capturing action instantly. "He is not only the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words for making the definition, the whole shooting art played any revolutionary role. "The bobcats head scout work Adam : Mr Libby said Treasury.

Table frames in 6 units and 31 seconds, garage from his upper body slightly next point position held up the ball, the index finger and also middle finger instinct to discover gaps in the rubber ball center. His hand gently lifted back, quit his palm the ball, but still control between his fingers. His right arm into all the joints is close to 90 degree Angle, from your shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow on the wrist, from wrist to consider, as if a restaurant waiter in carrying the tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in the front, curry shoes need to speed up their action inside the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a compelling foundation for complete to garage in a state, the right arm and shooting can continue perfect posture and power. And in addition to master hand movements, garage incorporates a precise shot needed an additional factor: enough deep muscle memory. Shooting touch is not a proper adjective, any one player, able to throw an excellent shooting there is although one secret to all - month after month, year after year practice, until a set involving complex dynamic chain implanted into yourself physically. Garage never resist for example monks meditate boring training, it also helped when he graduated from high school, eventually grow into some other leading little-known Davidson college NCAA elite last ten.

"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes you see your own shooting steps is correct, " curry stated, "you can only count on their daily at the training ground building muscle memory space, hit and believe that individuals can. We're so plenty of practice in training, to be able to the game, you can rely on instinct to react. But if it is not correctly, the game will think very strange. ".

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BKI89yLem |26.09.19 : 05:54
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

From brought the first curry shoes soccer ball, a garage at the match: each other laid out a perfect diamond entry, teammate Steve Blake flew to check out up, left the clippers safeguard darren collison (microblogging) the gap between two steps behind their closely, Danny granger may be the only defender in tow. This is the car port superior court intuition and and the embodies: his shot assortment. He seems to understand the defensive player with the ideas, can predict the next move, then strike beforehand. "When other people tend to be doing gesture, garage inside judgment, and the game, this is Stephen is the foremost place, in this respect your league may be the best. Find field space, know the spot that the defense space will arise, it is the key of the art of his images. Because no matter how good your shots, a lot more exquisite technology, no area is useless. "ESPN's Jesse thorpe, once wrote in his article.

Garage very carefully stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he have reason to be thus cautious. Before this, the warriors have had missed 12 goals in 13 shots during the past, is now 33 to help 37 behind the clippers, disturbed from the right leg muscle anxiety of garage after only 1 of 4. For garage himself, this ball is important: before a season, he hit an increasing in NBA history with 272 grains of a few points, if again established three points today, his three points in 2010 hit number will surpass 200 mark. So that library can be the sixth in a row has at the very least two season hit two hundred grains of three gamers, at the same period, still can have several points to continuous hit game streak continue to 54 games - will probably be the warriors team background record.

"I like everything kevin durant shoes relevant to the shooting, " garage once said within the interview, "but with the greatest especially in perfect hand posture. When your body's in good rhythm, from standing in the feet on a lawn, his hands to complete a trial, all series of joint actions will likely be calm and smooth, such as waves. It's a superb feeling. ".

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BKI89yLem |27.12.19 : 14:04
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage, 26, is one kd shoes of the largest child, dell - garage in 2002, their dad announced over sixteen years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes statement card. From a really young age, Stephen round the shooting learned how to shoot at the feet of the grasp, when dad refused to adopt him to the hornets education, Stephen will be pursed oral cavity, not because can't go to see those big-name players, the old you happen to be, but because he also want to be with my dad, to employ his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams involving players, only if the coach has to outside shot collapse on the opponent's zone will always be sent. Recalled the yourself, garage proudly said: "when My spouse and i was a defense experts, all start from there. "

To go here we are at curry shoes the original text, when the garage near the golf ball in midfield, people tend to overlook the most important thing: pool soccer ball skills. Sonya, thanks for you to his mother, then a new 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again concurrently, she was in school played point guard, checking out the volleyball after in the campus of Virginia technical, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble towards the coast, I have to decide on to shoot or move, it's my limit. "Dell stated, "people started for Stephen impression is all he can beautiful posture hit shots, but before becoming any striker, he already was a greater control player, people tend to ignore it. After their dribble shot, is I the most amazing moments. Thanks to his mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |30.12.19 : 20:24
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A couple steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first 1 fourth, and the two steals to garage an overall of 106 times in the playoffs career steals, which usually transcends the rick Craig, became the steals from the history of the warriors team within the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers within the game, this also let their playoff three-pointers hit number nearly 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff historical past list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he also only six three details.

37 points in merely three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his in 2010, including playoffs) eighth score 35 + sport with three alone, in excess of 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.

So many record the first world war, there is no doubt that this game can be considered to be the garage in this series played the top game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging twenty-seven. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 facilitates, shooting 40. 3% and 35. 3% from a few, compared with the frequent season shooting stage, a clear degree of decline, though the game, garage completely crazy. The blazers in several players to hound him or her, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Garage, as it were, in the game again to uncover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point line out hand, hit kd shoes eight goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting inside the stands to watch the particular old garage, it also appears to get son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens towards the old garage, he cannot help but shook his / her head.

Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with utter confidence. In the 3 rd quarter the warriors using 88-58 big lead the actual blazers, garage outside this three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, he or she turned back field, the ball firmly into your basket, the whole uproar. Can put the three points with this state, the other celebration can say what?

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BobbyLem |15.02.20 : 12:02
Комментарии: 2892

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