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О чувстве юмора
У моей жены есть подружка одна, называеццо Светка. Так вот, если они друг-другу начнут звонить, туши свет, тридцать минут отдай. О чём они там говорят, незнаю. Но иногда смеюццо. То есть смех, как естественная реакция организма на абасцаку какую-нибудь, присутствует. Свою-то я давно знаю, ей палец покажи, причем любой, смеяццо начинает. А Светку ни разу не видел. Так пару раз по телефону говорил. Вежливая блять. И эсэмески писал.

Один раз прихожу, а жена угарает в голос прям.
- Ты чо? - интересуюсь.
- Шеф звонил бывший, говорит вернись на работу. Посещаемость магазина растёт, а выручка падает.
Светка короче эта сейчас на ее месте работает. Магазин по продаже запчастей для автобусов-иномарок. Ну там Ман-хуян, Сетра-хуетра, Скания-хуяния. А магазин расположен блять в месте дислокации автобусов. Парк карочи.

Ну моя там много проработала, больше меня наверное в механизмах понимает, а Светка тупит немного. Водилы соберутссо и к ней.
- Свет, а амортизаторы топливных насосов на "Сканию" есть?

Ну ты если не знаешь, так и скажи. Ахуйвознаит! Я бы например, в отделе косметики тоже блять корки мочил бы: Дайте тени пжалста, а я им хуяк губнушку. Ну если не копенгаген, как говориццо. А эта нихуя:

- Щаз пасмарю, - и по складу лазиет ищет. Нет нихуя!
- А ща в компьютере гляну, как говорите называеццо? По-моему привозили недавно.
Водилы смеюццо и уходят. И друг-другу рассказывают, прикол типо. Хуяк потом другие придут, тоже какую нибудь хуйню спросят.

Моя говорит:
- Представляешь, сучка какая, вчера звонила, и не рассказала, как ее подъёбывают. Говорит всё ништяк.
А я моментом сообразил:
- Какой у ней номер? Ну сотовый типо. - и на сайт оператора залазию. И с этого сайта отправляю СМС. "Новые и б/у амортизаторы топливных насосов." и телефон ее рабочий.

Минут через пять Ленке звонок. Ну она громкую связь включает:
- Представляешь, щас мудила один СМС прислал, чтоб у него яйцы отсохли! - Ну и зачитывает.
- А с какого номера?
- Короткий какой-то. 0674 вроде.
- Так это "Билайн". Реклама типо.
- И номер магазина наш. А у меня как раз спрашивали недавно, раз пять. Че эт хоть такое?
- Ну ты позвони, узнаешь.
Бля, песдетс, я в пополаме...

Следом отправляю другую, опять с сайта: "Срочно продам отсохшие яйца, б/у, недорого. Какой-то мудило."
Больше она не звонила... Целый день...

А тут как-то один песдоглазый юноша, барана мне привез. Подарок или взятка хуйвознаит? Классный баран - молодой. Ну я прикинул, что в одну харю его никак не съем, если даже жрать буду всегда. Решил короче устроить праздник. Беру телефон, звоню Борисычу:

- Алло, ты баран..., - специально паузу делаю.
- И я тебя тоже рад слышать, - отвечает.
- Ты дослушай, хуле обижаццо? Ты баран есть любишь?
- Йоптыць, конечно.
- Карочи, щас он в ванной у меня лежит, когда искупаееццо, на костер пойдет сохнуть. Вечером жду.

Договорились вообщем, Люся - жена его, через час примчала. Там салаты, туда-сюда. А Борисыч, как раз мою захватит, она что-то в Саратов как-раз ездила, и к шести будет. Да, совсем забыл, было лето. Специально акцентирую, а то опять какой-нибудь ниибаццо критег отправит матчасть учить, типо ноябрь, дождь со снегом, и всё такое карочи. Бугага!

Вообщем, баран измельчилссо и в огромном тазу вместе с луком и приправами находиццо. Костёр горит, угли чтобы были. Классно когда свой дом. Хочешь бомбу взорви, никто и слова не скажет, потому как частная собственность. Тут моя звонит, я со Светкой типо приеду. Со Светкой так со Светкой. Веселее будет нах.

Ну приехали они значит, моя говорит:
- Эт Светлана. - ну знакомит типо. Я такой:
- А меня Михаил, мудило типо, очприятно.
Ну нормальная так пелотка. Из той породы: жеппа есть - сиськи необязательно. На летсо приятная, но с него водку не пить. Сели по-первой вмазали, за знакомство и за встречу. Баран поспел к тому времени. Всем весело, всем харашо!

А Светка сидит улыбаеццо, компанейская такая ниибаццо. Ну я говорю слушайте анекдод:
- Мужик приходит домой и жене грит:
- Жена у меня к тебе три вопроса. - жена такая:
- В жеппу не дам.
- Ну тогда у меня два вопроса.
Все блять как стали пацталом смияццо. Хуй успокоишь. И тут Светка с каменным летсом:
- Тихо чтоле все, дайте чилавеку до конца рассказать, - и ко мне обращаеццо - А какие два вапроса?

Ну думаю, клиника блять, бывает нах:
- Водки налить? - говорю. Беру бутылку в руки. Молчит, в глаза мне смотрит, чувствует пауза затянулась:
- А жена чо?
- Моя? Будет, - сам не знаю как сдержать ржач, - когда она отказывалась?
- Ааа... Плесни чуть-чуть... Хватит, хватит... А последний вопрос?

Ну тут я не выдержал и убежал нахуй. Типо мяса ещо принести и поржать незаметно. Почему-то многие со мной пошли. Особенно Борисыч. Так сцуко быстро побежал! Вперед меня блять...

Корочи жрали мы и пили долго. Барана так и не доели, хотя стали потом сковородками жарить. Один хуй много осталось. Настала пора спать ложиццо. Люся с Борисычем в летней. Светка по плану на кровати сына. Мы с женой и сыном на своей. Ага, щаз. Смотрю мелкий зевает. Я его хуяк, иди спи скорей сыног. И в его комнате укладываю. Охота же с двумя бабами поспать! Прикольно же!

Приходят значит подружки, спать-то охота, третий час уже.
- Ой, Лен, а там кто-то спит.
- Миш, Женьку переложи к нам, там Света ляжет.
- Не буду я детский сон тревожить, - отвечаю, - здесь все уместимссо. Чур я посередине!

Я не знаю, что такое "ступор", по-моему это деталь механизма какая-то, но на Светкином летсе он отобразился нихуёво. А делать то нечего! Я разделся и лёг. Кому ненравиццо может на полу разместиццо.

Меня конечно к стенке подвинули, чтоб не мечтал. Светка с краю, жена посередине. Но наличие посторонней пелотки в непосредственной близости, меня возбудило до нельзя. Ворочался полчаса, потом надоело, достал гандон и жене, как близлежащей, вдул. Завязал потом его на узел и на пол бросил...

Утром просыпаюсь, бабы уже чай пьют. Ну я оделся, обёртки от гандона взял, узелок с полу подобрал. Захожу на кухню, демонстративно мотыляю резиновым изделием. В мусорку хуяк его. Светку в щечку - чмок:
- Ты сегодня ночью была просто великолепна...
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BKI89yLem |19.01.19 : 03:25
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

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Garage thoroughly stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he also provide reason to be consequently cautious. Before this, the warriors have overlooked 12 goals in 13 shots in past times, is now 33 in order to 37 behind the clippers, disturbed through the right leg muscle strain of garage after just one of 4. For storage area himself, this ball is critical: before a season, he hit an archive in NBA history using 272 grains of 3 points, if again established three points today, his three points there is much surprise hit number will exceed 200 mark. So that library can become the sixth in a row has a minimum of two season hit 2 hundred grains of three people, at the same period, still can have about three points to continuous hit game streak always 54 games - it's going to be the warriors team record record.

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BKI89yLem |24.01.19 : 20:10
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Being a core point guard, garage along with three split the difference is which he is the team bring in and organizer. In some other words, he can't resemble novak on the perimeter around looking forward to kevin durant shoes someone else to allow him the ball. We take novak to some comparison, everything also - reference counted for all of us each a 3-pointer aids objects, and to moment, after statistics, novak found this season hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is really a teammate's pass and reach; Three-point shots hit your second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't any exception, he hit curry shoes inside 213, has 206 will depend on your friend's passing.

The garage He the many 3-pointer this season, you will find 105 of 3 isn't sending (272), quite simply, is to create options, nasty sto vote. This trick in the team's star, such since flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because someone errs, physical strength usage, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio seriously isn't high. But obviously is surely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is not assists quantity highest in alliance,stephen curry shoes even better in comparison with lebron James thrown in more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in a league all five such not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), both quality and quantity. Consumed together, the three points to thrown into space just isn't an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots should create his own photographs, this how tired! Essentially the most precious is, no make a difference when and where, and how to make moves, garage has a top percentage. It is no wonder that this manager of the enthusiast when Bob myers lately told the Associated Press said: "as long because it's garage, to obtain the ball is reasonable. inch.

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BKI89yLem |25.01.19 : 06:18
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Two steals in his Strategy, stephen curry shoes in the first one fourth, and the two steals to garage a complete of 106 times inside the playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Craig, became the steals within the history of the warriors team inside the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let their playoff three-pointers hit number around 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff record list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he also only six three points.

37 points in simply three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his this season, including playoffs) eighth score 35 + activity with three alone, over 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top league.

So many record the very first world war, there is no doubt the game can be considered to be the garage in this series played the very best game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging twenty-seven. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 facilitates, shooting 40. 3% in addition to 35. 3% from about three, compared with the standard season shooting stage, a particular degree of decline, nevertheless the game, garage completely insane. The blazers in a number of players to hound your ex, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Storage, as it were, in the game again to determine "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kevin durant shoes several goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting inside the stands to watch the old garage, it also appears to own son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens towards the old garage, he could hardly help but shook the head.

Of course, no matter what other people think, garage three points for their own performance with complete confidence. In the finally quarter the warriors using 88-58 big lead the blazers, garage outside the particular three-point line again, the ball from the one hand, he / she turned back field, the ball firmly to the basket, the whole uproar. Can put the three points with this state, the other party can say what?

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BKI89yLem |25.01.19 : 06:18
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Shed, 26, is one kevin durant shoes with the largest child, dell - garage in 2002, their dad announced over of sixteen years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes document card. From a quite young age, Stephen round the shooting learned how to shoot for the feet of the get better at, when dad refused to consider him to the hornets coaching, Stephen will be pursed jaws, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old that you are, but because he also wish to be with my dad, to rehearse his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of their own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams involving players, only if the coach must outside shot collapse for the opponent's zone will become sent. Recalled the yourself, garage proudly said: "when We was a defense professionals, all start from at this time there. "

To go back to curry shoes the original text, if the garage near the golf ball in midfield, people tend to overlook essentially the most important thing: pool basketball skills. Sonya, thanks to help his mother, then some sort of 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again simultaneously, she was in high school graduation played point guard, checking out the volleyball after into the campus of Virginia technical, and meet the car port there's father. "If I dribble for the coast, I have to decide on to shoot or go, it's my limit. "Dell claimed, "people started for Stephen impression is all the guy can beautiful posture hit shots, but before becoming some sort of striker, he already was an even better control player, people often ignore it. After their dribble shot, is I the most wonderful moments. Thanks to his or her mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |13.02.19 : 00:48
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Half-court completed,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 points and 4 rebounds 6 assists, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 contains the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat from the second half, even his / her one-on-one hit his items. In this series, OuWenBen should have certain advantages in counterpoint, such as finals last year, as the season of Christmas competitions, with their strong personal fortunes turned.

But today the warriors from the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to search for the rhythm. Actually, today quite often was clay - Thompson Head of the family Owen, although Owen hit a dead when in front of him, but clay height reach or to some degree, limits the Owen's strike. In only a few times industry by storm single singled out throughout his Arsenal, although Owen features good performance, but also it's hard an extra shot for a knight.

Complete play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists inside Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kevin durant shoes photos. 24 points and 3 rebounds, 2 assists, Owen has scored 17 points within the first half, he scored seven points from the second half. Facing the big four on the mighty, and only Erina Owen in one-on-one get garage have chances, but today's garage to try and do better.

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BKI89yLem |20.02.19 : 12:22
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A couple steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first fraction, and the two steals to garage earnings of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, which usually transcends the rick Craig, became the steals from the history of the warriors team inside playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let the playoff three-pointers hit number approximately 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes 8th Chauncey billups, he likewise only six three things.

37 points in simply three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his in 2010, including playoffs) 8th score 35 + online game with three alone, over 7 times of Russell westbrook, the surface of the league.

So many record the very first world war, there is no doubt how the game can be considered to be the garage in this series played the best game. The first several games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and 5. 7 rebounds, 6 assists, shooting 40. 3% along with 35. 3% from three, compared with the regular season shooting stage, a specific degree of decline, however the game, garage completely crazy. The blazers in various players to hound them, but no one could disturb his rhythm. Garage, as it were, in the game again to uncover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point series out hand, hit kd shoes seven goals, including vast mileage of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting from the stands to watch your old garage, it also appears to possess son's playing god appear to be some incredible performance. The lens for the old garage, he can't help but shook their head.

Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with absolute confidence. In the third quarter the warriors together with 88-58 big lead this blazers, garage outside the actual three-point line again, the ball from the one hand, he or she turned back field, the ball firmly into your basket, the whole uproar. Can put the three points in this state, the other party can say what?

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BKI89yLem |20.02.19 : 16:45
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A pair of steals in his Strategy, stephen curry shoes in the first fraction, and the two steals to garage earnings of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, that transcends the rick Craig, became the steals within the history of the warriors team inside playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers in the game, this also let their playoff three-pointers hit number up to 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff history list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he likewise only six three items.

37 points in just three games, came curry shoes one's, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) 8th score 35 + online game with three alone, in excess of 7 times of Russell westbrook, top of the league.

So many record the 1st world war, there is no doubt how the game can be reported to be the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 27. 3 points and four. 7 rebounds, 6 assists, shooting 40. 3% and also 35. 3% from a few, compared with the typical season shooting stage, a specific degree of decline, though the game, garage completely nuts. The blazers in various players to hound him, but no one may disturb his rhythm. Car port, as it were, in the game again to uncover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kd shoes several goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting within the stands to watch this old garage, it also appears to get son's playing god are some incredible performance. The lens to the old garage, he couldn't help but shook his head.

Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points because of their own performance with overall confidence. In the next quarter the warriors together with 88-58 big lead the particular blazers, garage outside the actual three-point line again, the ball clear of the one hand, he or she turned back field, the ball firmly in the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points with this state, the other get together can say what?

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BKI89yLem |21.02.19 : 07:53
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got used to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kd shoes "people said I has been too short, don't participate in college basketball, then with the same reason that I can not play in the NBA. People do not think I can play defend, then said I am not really a pure point guard, until October of this past year, I also found that the general manager of funny in my experience as the league 3rd good shooting guard. We've not yet fully perform their full potential, therefore i set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve for being more outstanding. "

"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and rotate, stop and go empty-handed, hook hand, step back, lower leg, in the face associated with two double forced to be able to......, any thought of shooting mode, you can see he's astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can attain this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a higher level, the two-time MVP prize, shooting is incredible, but it is usually a level. And their other like reggie miller, Chris mullin, such seeing that dell and I played out together - Ellis, dell : Arsenal, they are many fantastic striker, but they didn't garage so thorough, this guy is not any limit. "

Timer along with dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes along with 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to near the garage, but still past due step. Garage again to perform a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be out of your ground, under the condition from the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury physique slightly back. This not only makes his moves difficult to block, as well as between ball and floor a great additional 10 degrees Viewpoint. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds typically, the garage from arranging action to dial your ball moves, it simply takes 0. 4 just a few seconds. Fast to make up for that deficiency of the storage area height, the ball well steer clear of the opponent blocking fly toward the basket at the same time, the look of garage is definitely along with them. His arm still moves if your posture, and of his / her teammates has begun to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |21.02.19 : 08:34
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Half-court complete,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 factors and 4 rebounds 6 allows, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 gets the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat inside the second half, even his one-on-one hit his details. In this series, OuWenBen must have certain advantages in counterpoint, like the finals last year, since the season of Christmas competitions, with their strong personal fortunes turned.

But today the warriors of the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to search for the rhythm. Actually, today most of the time was clay - Thompson Lord Owen, although Owen hit a dead in front of him, but clay height reach or up to a point, limits the Owen's invasion. In only a few times when confronted with single singled out throughout his Arsenal, although Owen has good performance, but also it's hard an extra chance for a knight.

Total play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists in the Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kd shoes images. 24 points and 3 rebounds, a couple of assists, Owen has scored 17 points inside first half, he scored seven points within the second half. Facing the big four of the mighty, and only Jordan Owen in one-on-one acquire garage have chances, but today's garage to perform better.

Tag: kyrie irving shoes lebron 15 mizuno shoes nike epic react flyknit yeezy boost kyrie 5 adidas yeezy outlet nike sock racer john wall shoes nmd human race under armour shoes kyrie 4 halloween curry shoes kyrie 4 vans sk8 hi Nike CR7 barbour jackets nike air presto curry 4 lebron soldier 10 Nike Soccer Cleats adidas terrex kobe shoes kd shoes kyrie irving jersey adidas porsche design shoes kyrie irving shoes lebron james shoes nike hyperdunk kyrie 4 confetti nike air max 270 triple s Shoes adidas deerupt kyrie 1 adidas nmd shoes curry 5 shoes puma fenty kyrie 3 adidas boost birkenstock kyrie irving shoes kobe bryant shoes kd 11 james harden vol 2 adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 zebra ultra boost adidas air jordan 32 d rose 6 lebron shoes yeezy shoes adidas crazy explosive ecco Shoes nike free lebron soldier 10 kyrie 3 shoes lebron 16 kyrie irving shoes lebron 14 shoes adidas nmd human race kd 10 balenciaga shoes air jordan 31 fila kyrie 4 kyrie 2 shoes ugg 5815 puma fenty slides air jordan shoes anello backpack nike lebron shoes yeezy boost triple white curry 5 nike kyrie 4 yeezy boost 350 v2 adidas zx flux puma fenty puma suede nike roshe run two adidas tennis hu pharrell adidas tubular nike zoom vaporfly elite lebron soldier 10 stephen curry jersey new balance running shoes adidas superstar Shoes kd shoes

BKI89yLem |26.02.19 : 11:11
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points isn't the whole garage every day work, and don't ignore, Stephen curry is the actual team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists within the regular season, 14 inside the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists for the reason that league the first! Let's imagine images, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched dozens of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't from the outside, but the baseball inside, attracted a double... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he is able to tell you the answer, curry shoes he called clay : Thompson, from the golden state warriors, he made this year 211 3-pointers, finished third inside the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 time to contrast the storage and ray Allen within '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he could be the Seattle supersonics. That will year, Allen's 269 of 653 three-point shots, photo 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 pictures in his Arsenal, often 45. 3%; That year, Alan ball attack build 3 ratio is below a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in databases; That year, Allen's assists the amount 3. 7, less as opposed to Treasury for three allows. So the outline, the image of your alternative 3-pointers hand down the garage outline: he not just completed the sharpshooter backdrop, his teammates for the creation of free-throw options into; He will also look for opportunities simultaneously, through the ball development, stopped for no facilitates 3-pointer of shots. Moreover, he also can move assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not only can catch vote, will likely urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to other people, this star, unique! I am kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are unable to define Stephen curry, should be in with any "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |27.02.19 : 16:00
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is not the whole garage every day work, and don't ignore, Stephen curry is this team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists from the regular season, 14 inside league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes will be averaging 9. 3 assists since the league the first! Let's imagine images, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched many times, there are always a few ball he wasn't inside the outside, but the basketball inside, attracted a two times... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he'll tell you the solution, curry shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the golden state warriors, he made this year 211 3-pointers, finished third within the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 period to contrast the shed and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 -- Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he or she is the Seattle supersonics. Of which year, Allen's 269 associated with 653 three-point shots, shot 41. 2%, as Stephen -- 272 of 600 shots in his Arsenal, often 45. 3%; That season, Alan ball attack generate 3 ratio is less than a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in database; That year, Allen's assists the telephone number 3. 7, less versus Treasury for three allows. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand down the garage outline: he not only completed the sharpshooter history, his teammates for the creation of free-throw opportunities into; He will also look for opportunities while doing so, through the ball development, stopped for no helps 3-pointer of shots. Also, he also can complete assists, "create" another pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not just can catch vote, will also urgent stopped, can generate more opportunities to people, this star, unique! Now i'm kevin durant shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are actually unable to define Stephen curry, must also be in with a "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |11.03.19 : 05:32
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

2 steals in his System, stephen curry shoes in the first fraction, and the two steals to garage an overall total of 106 times inside the playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Barry, became the steals within the history of the warriors team in the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers within the game, this also let his / her playoff three-pointers hit number as much as 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he likewise only six three factors.

37 points in merely three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his this year, including playoffs) 8th score 35 + activity with three alone, in excess of 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.

So many record the first world war, there is no doubt that the game can be reportedly the garage in this series played the very best game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 29. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 facilitates, shooting 40. 3% and also 35. 3% from three, compared with the typical season shooting stage, a particular degree of decline, but the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in numerous players to hound your ex, but no one may disturb his rhythm. Car port, as it were, in the game again to discover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point collection out hand, hit kd shoes more effective goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting from the stands to watch this old garage, it also appears to get son's playing god seem to be some incredible performance. The lens on the old garage, he couldn't help but shook his / her head.

Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points for their own performance with total confidence. In the 3rd quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead the particular blazers, garage outside the actual three-point line again, the ball away from the one hand, he turned back field, the ball firmly into your basket, the whole pandemonium. Can put the three points within this state, the other gathering can say what?

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BobbyLem |12.03.19 : 14:45
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

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BKI89yLem |25.03.19 : 17:22
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Knight's approach clearly, today is to cling to garage, will not give him any likelihood, and Kevin durant is always private with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive look for opportunities, such as deal with stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, use the other fear his circumference ability garage easily won two points.

The last 80 seconds from the first half, durant had missed shots from outside, this basket three players usually are knights, including Thompson, lebron, consequently, the Treasury rushed to the basket from the very long position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds inside knight encirclement! Then he points ball durant, exactly who finished scores!

And the other half, knight to defensive strategy appears to be shaken, they don't have too much double again, help, strangely enough, JR in 1 about 1 against Arsenal, and directly put this garage was pushed on the ground.

Sure enough, the knight defensive shaken curry shoes following scoring started rising in his Arsenal, outside his or her 3-pointer by continuous, then he was given the means to just like Kevin durant got chance inside first half. After three points within the database is still attack, he this section one bomb under the 14 points.

Today is usually June 1, the time kevin durant shoes could be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is just about the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested the vast majority of holiday to battle, they are still the contribution towards the brilliant stroke, but also pass a 3-pointer through Kevin durant. The previous 3 minutes, garage off in front of schedule, because the sport had no suspense.

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BKI89yLem |14.04.19 : 20:53
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Knight's strategy clearly, today is to cling to garage, don't give him any possibility, and Kevin durant is always individually with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive try to find opportunities, such as encounter stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, use the other fear his edge ability garage easily scored two points.

The last 80 seconds in the first half, durant have missed shots from outside, your basket three players are usually knights, including Thompson, lebron, consequently, the Treasury rushed in to the basket from the lengthy position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds inside the knight encirclement! Then he / she points ball durant, who finished scores!

And the 2nd half, knight to defensive strategy looks like it's shaken, they don't have an excessive amount of double again, help, perhaps surprisingly, JR in 1 about 1 against Arsenal, and directly put your garage was pushed to the ground.

Sure enough, the actual knight defensive shaken curry shoes immediately after scoring started rising in his Arsenal, outside his / her 3-pointer by continuous, then he was given an opportunity to just like Kevin durant got chance inside the first half. After three points inside the database is still struck, he this section one bomb within the 14 points.

Today is June 1, the time kd shoes will be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is amongst the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested almost all of the holiday to battle, they are still the contribution to the brilliant stroke, but furthermore pass a 3-pointer by Kevin durant. The previous 3 minutes, garage off prior to schedule, because the game had no suspense.

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BKI89yLem |13.05.19 : 20:20
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got employed to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kevin durant shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't play college basketball, then for that same reason that I cannot play in the NBA. People don't think I can play safeguard, then said I am not just a pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found how the general manager of funny in my experience as the league 3rd good shooting guard. I have not yet fully engage in their full potential, well, i set a higher normal to himself, committed to continuously improve for being more outstanding. "

"We've never met having it . curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and spin, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, leg, in the face of two double forced to help......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see he could be astonishingly. We have never ever seen anyone can reach this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a top level, the two-time MVP award, shooting is incredible, but it's also a level. And his other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such seeing that dell and I played together - Ellis, dell -- Arsenal, they are just about all fantastic striker, but that they didn't garage so detailed, this guy is simply no limit. "

Timer and also dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes and 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to nearby the garage, but still late step. Garage again to perform a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be out from the ground, under the condition from the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to complete the hand. Treasury physique slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as between ball and floor to have an additional 10 degrees Viewpoint. NBA players to occasion takes 0. 6 seconds on average, the garage from getting ready action to dial your ball moves, it only takes 0. 4 a few moments. Fast to make up with the deficiency of the garage height, the ball well avoid the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the act, the look of garage is always along with them. His arm still moves once the posture, and of his / her teammates has begun for you to pose three gestures...

Tag: kyrie irving shoes curry 4 Shoes adidas yeezy boost kyrie irving shoes adidas porsche shoes new balance running shoes adidas iniki nike air presto nike air more uptempo balenciaga shoes lebron soldier 10 lebron james shoes adidas soccer cleats curry 5 barbour jackets asics gel kayano 24 kd shoes kyrie 2 shoes kyrie 3 shoes nike air vapormax kyrie 4 nike epic react adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 zebra nike pg 2 adidas alphabounce rose 8 lebron 14 shoes kyrie 1 kyrie 4 hand spinner kyrie irving jersey air max 270 kyrie irving shoes adidas ultra boost 4 lebron 16 curry shoes james harden vol 2 calvin klein kyrie 4 halloween Nike Football Cleats air max 90 nike lunar force 1 curry 5 shoes Nike CR7 Football Boots kyrie 5 john wall shoes curry 2 adidas ultra boost kyire 3 nike air max 97 nike lebron soldier 12 adidas deerupt runner adidas nmd xr1 adidas nmd yeezy boost 350 v2 Lebron soldier 11 lebron shoes curry shoes paul george shoes puma fenty nike hyperdunk vans sk8 hi stephen curry shoes vans shoes curry 3 nike huarache rose 6 canada goose adidas nmd r1 primeknit lebron shoes curry 5 kevin durant shoes kevin durant jersey Lebron James Shoes kyrie 4 confetti kyrie 3 nike kyrie 4 nike sock racer new era caps kd 11 triple s Shoes ultra boost ultra boost 3.0 curry 4 shoes nmd r1 under armour shoes

BKI89yLem |25.05.19 : 21:21
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

After a brought the first curry shoes soccer ball, a garage at your match: each other outlined a perfect diamond the front, teammate Steve Blake flew to follow along with up, left the clippers safeguard darren collison (microblogging) the gap between two steps at the rear of their closely, Danny granger may be the only defender in tow line. This is the car port superior court intuition and knowing that embodies: his shot selection. He seems to fully grasp the defensive player with the ideas, can predict their next move, then strike before hand. "When other people are usually doing gesture, garage within judgment, and the game, this is Stephen is the best place, in this respect your league may be the best. Find field space, know the location where the defense space will come about, it is the key of the art of his photographs. Because no matter precisely how good your shots, more exquisite technology, no area is useless. "ESPN's Brian thorpe, once wrote in his article.

Garage very carefully stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he likewise have reason to be and so cautious. Before this, the warriors have skipped 12 goals in 13 shots in the past, is now 33 in order to 37 behind the clippers, disturbed because of the right leg muscle anxiety of garage after just one of 4. For car port himself, this ball is vital: before a season, he hit accurate documentation in NBA history having 272 grains of three points, if again established three points today, his three points in 2010 hit number will surpass 200 mark. So that library will end up the sixth in a row has a minimum of two season hit two hundred grains of three gamers, at the same occasion, still can have three points to continuous hit game streak still 54 games - it will be the warriors team record record.

"I like everything kd shoes linked to the shooting, " garage once said in a interview, "but with the best especially in perfect hands posture. When your is in good rhythm, from standing in the feet on the floor, his hands to complete a trial, all series of joint actions will be calm and smooth, including waves. It's a fantastic feeling. ".

Tag: kyrie irving shoes kobe 11 adidas porsche design shoes kyrie irving jersey nike free nmd human race kyrie irving shoes lebron soldier 10 hyperdunk 2017 curry 4 Shoes nike air vapormax nike air max 97 NMD R1 Shoes Nike CR7 mizuno running shoes kyrie 4 yeezy triple white canada goose curry 3 nike epic react flyknit adidas nmd shoes birkenstock adidas pure boost kyrie 5 lebron 15 kyrie 4 confetti kyrie 4 halloween adidas zx flux adidas yeezy boost 350 v2 zebra wholesale mlb hats Adidas Apparel Lebron James Shoes adidas eqt michael jordan shoes adidas deerupt runner vans sk8 hi lebron james shoes kyire 3 kd 10 curry shoes kyrie irving basketball shoes puma fenty lebron 14 shoes supreme yeezys kyrie irving shoes yeezy boost curry shoes kyrie 4 shoes nike epic react flyknit curry 2 ecco kobe bryant jersey pegasus 35 nike sb dunk nike pg 2 Nike lebron soldier 11 adidas shoes nike zoom vaporfly adidas rose 6 balenciaga triple s Shoes nike air presto nike hyperdunk adidas yeezy boost paul george shoes puma suede puma fenty slides adidas crazy explosive puma fenty< kyrie 1 nike epic react flyknit adidas alphabounce Lebron soldier 11 adidas terrex nike kyrie kyrie shoes 3 curry 5 air jordan 32 kyrie 3 kyrie 4 lebron james shoes kobe shoes air force 1 fila shoes nike air max 270 john wall shoes adidas nmd womens

BKI89yLem |30.08.19 : 03:38
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

A pair of steals in his Strategy, stephen curry shoes in the first quarter, and the two steals to garage earnings of 106 times inside playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Barry, became the steals within the history of the warriors team from the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let his / her playoff three-pointers hit number approximately 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff historical past list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he in addition only six three factors.

37 points in just three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his shock as to, including playoffs) 8th score 35 + game with three alone, more than 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top league.

So many record the first world war, there is no doubt how the game can be reported to be the garage in this series played the most effective game. The first a few games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 allows, shooting 40. 3% as well as 35. 3% from a few, compared with the standard season shooting stage, a specific degree of decline, but the game, garage completely nuts. The blazers in several players to hound your ex, but no one can easily disturb his rhythm. Storage area, as it were, in the game again to find out "day day" feeling.

11 three-point line out hand, hit kevin durant shoes more effective goals, including vast distances of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting in the stands to watch the old garage, it also appears to possess son's playing god appear to be some incredible performance. The lens for the old garage, he cannot help but shook his or her head.

Of course, no matter what other people think, garage three points for their own performance with complete confidence. In the third quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead the blazers, garage outside this three-point line again, the ball far from the one hand, he turned back field, the ball firmly to the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points in this state, the other gathering can say what?

Tag: kyrie irving shoes nike epic react adidas yeezy kyrie 2 shoes harden vol 2 kyrie 4 halloween curry 4 shoes puma suede kobe 10 adidas ultra boost uncaged kyire 3 kyrie 4 vans sk8 hi jordan retro air max 90 kobe shoes kyrie 4 Lebron Shoes nike pg 2 michael jordan shoes kd 11 shoes ultra boost pg shoes nike air presto curry 5 adidas shoes lebron soldier 10 adidas zx flux kd shoes curry 5 shoes puma fenty kyrie irving shoes adidas nmd runner kyrie 4 kyrie 1 air max 270 lebron 15 air jordan 32 kyrie 4 halloween kyrie 2 nike vapormax shoes puma rihanna creepers suede new era caps lebron 16 lebron shoes nike air max 97 nike mercurial kobe 11 kyrie 5 kyrie irving jersey kd 10 lebron james shoes Nike Football Cleats kevin durant jersey air jordan shoes curry shoes adidas boost lebron 14 shoes puma fenty curry 5 birkenstock shoes kyrie 4 asics gel kayano 23 lebron shoes kyrie 3 kyrie irving basketball shoes nike huarache lebron soldier 10 calvin klein kd shoes Nike CR7 Cleats kobe bryant jersey under armour shoes kyrie 4 curry shoes vans shoes vibram kyrie irving jersey adidas soccer cleats ultra boost 4.0 nike zoom vaporfly elite lebron 14 kobe shoes adidas deerupt runner curry 2 Lebron soldier 11

BKI89yLem |26.09.19 : 03:50
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got employed to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kd shoes "people said I had been too short, don't enjoy college basketball, then for that same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People don't believe I can play guard, then said I am an excellent pure point guard, until October of a year ago, I also found which the general manager of funny if you ask me as the league third good shooting guard. I've got not yet fully perform their full potential, so i set a higher regular to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "

"We've never met a person with curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and throw, stop and go empty-handed, get hand, step back, lower-leg, in the face connected with two double forced for you to......, any thought of shooting mode, you can see he could be astonishingly. We have certainly not seen anyone can attain this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a superior level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but it is equally a level. And his / her other like reggie callier, Chris mullin, such as dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell : Arsenal, they are all fantastic striker, but they didn't garage so detailed, this guy is no limit. "

Timer as well as dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to towards the garage, but still delayed step. Garage again to complete a beautiful jumper - it isn't really strictly jumper, his toe will be from the ground, under the condition with the body is still rising, use forefinger and middle finger touch to finish the hand. Treasury human body slightly back. This not only makes his moves difficult to block, as well as between the ball and floor for an additional 10 degrees Angle. NBA players to occasion takes 0. 6 seconds an average of, the garage from organizing action to dial the particular ball moves, it simply takes 0. 4 mere seconds. Fast to make up for that deficiency of the garage height, the ball well stay away from the opponent blocking fly toward the basket along the way, the look of garage is always along with them. His arm still moves when the posture, and of his teammates has begun to help pose three gestures...

Tag: kyrie irving shoes birkenstock sandals calvin klein nike kyrie 3 nike free kyrie 4 confetti nike pg 2 lebron 15 Nike lebron soldier 11 puma fenty kyrie irving jersey ultra boost 3.0 hand spinner stephen curry jersey nike air vapormax james harden vol 2 nike air presto puma fenty curry 5 shoes ultra boost kd shoes kyrie irving jersey air jordan shoes nike mercurial kyrie 3 kyrie 4 adidas football cleats lebron 14 jordan retro adidas deerupt ultra boost adidas nike hyperdunk kyrie 4 halloween kyrie irving shoes lebron soldier 10 kobe shoes lebron james shoes nike kobe shoes kyire 3 nike zoom vaporfly elite nike air force 1 puma suede kyrie 2 shoes lebron 16 nike epic react flyknit kyrie 4 halloween kyrie 2 paul george shoes kd 10 air max 90 kyrie shoes Lebron soldier 11 adidas ultra boost 4 Nike Lebron James Shoes yeezy boost kd 11 nike sock racer adidas nmd runner birkenstock sandals curry 2 kobe 11 Nike CR7 Cleats curry shoes kd 11 kyrie 4 kyrie 4 john wall shoes michael jordan shoes Nike Pegasus 35 vans sk8 hi adidas shoes asics gel kayano 23 vibram shoes curry shoes nike epic react flyknit nike zoom vaporfly adidas zx flux new era caps kobe 10 air jordan 32 puma fenty lebron soldier 10 nike kyrie 4 nike air more uptempo adidas yeezy under armour shoes

BKI89yLem |17.02.20 : 21:45
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage, 26, is one kevin durant shoes in the largest child, dell -- garage in 2002, his or her dad announced over 04 years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes document card. From a incredibly young age, Stephen round the shooting learned how to shoot with the feet of the get good at, when dad refused to consider him to the hornets training, Stephen will be pursed mouth area, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old you're, but because he also strive to be with my dad, to rehearse his shot.

At age 9, garage is of her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach has to outside shot collapse for the opponent's zone will possibly be sent. Recalled the your self, garage proudly said: "when When i was a defense experts, all start from there. "

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