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Кока-кола из червячков и гусениц
Теперь мы знаем, что делает "кока-колу" такой особенной. Это не добавление натуральных листьев коки, как считалось ранее. Секретным ингредиентом оказались... червячки! Около года назад Фонд Святого Николая в Турции подал иск против компании Coca-Cola, потребовав раскрыть формулу производимого ею газированного напитка, с целью указать ингредиенты на этикетке. Тогда руководитель фонда Муаммер Карабулут заявил: "На основе действующего в нашей стране закона о потребителях любой производитель продуктов питания обязан информировать покупателей о содержащихся в них веществах". "Ради здоровья наших детей мы хотим знать, какие конкретно вещества используются для производства напитка, и не являются ли они вредными.
Тайна формулы напитка, которую всемирно известная компания свято хранила с 1886 года, раскрыта, секретный рецепт аптекаря из Атланты Джона Пембертона, по словам собеседника агентства, включает: "сахар, фосфорную кислоту, кофеин, карамель, двуокись углерода и экстракт "Кока-Колы". Но что это за непонятный экстракт? По результатам проведенного исследования было установлено, что он является натуральным красителем "кармин" или пищевой добавкой "кошениль", добываемой из кошенильных червецов. В пищевой промышленности он также известен как карминовая кислота, которой присвоен международный индекс Е-120.
Вот уж поистине странный вкус! Как рассказали НЕДЕЛЕ в подмосковном НИИ питания, кошениль (франц. cochenille, от исп. cochinilla), общее название нескольких видов насекомых из разных семейств под отряда кокцид, самки которых используются для получения красной краски - кармина. Именно таков цвет этикетки "коки". Наиболее ценилась мексиканская кошениль (Dactylopius cacti), живущая на надземных органах кошенильного кактуса. Родина её — Мексика. Рецепт поистине стар. Еще в 20 годах прошлого века с развитием производства синтетических красителей культура эта резко сократилась, однако натуральный кармин ещё используется в некоторых отраслях промышленности (пищевой, парфюмерной и др.), а также для окраски микроскопических препаратов.
Первоначальная формула колы выглядела так: аптекарь сварил из листьев коки и орехов тропического дерева колы сладкий сиропчик и отнес кувшин с напитком в аптеку для продажи. Сироп разбавляли водой и продавали, без особого успеха. Легенда гласит, что один из посетителей, страдавший похмельем, попросил разбавить напиток газировкой. Теперь "Кока-кола" подавалась как идеальный тоник для стимуляции работы мозга, лекарство от нервных расстройств, головной боли, невралгии и меланхолии. В 1903 году в New York Times появилась статья о бесчинствах одурманенных кокаином, и дело стало склоняться к полному запрету стимулятора, "Кока-Кола" быстро переориентировалась.
Свежие листья коки заменили "выжатыми", кокаина там уже не было. Говорят, что существует рецепт, написанный рукой самого Пембертона. Он хранится в особом сейфе, доступ к которому имеют лишь высшие руководители компании, и даже они могут открыть сейф только сообща. На сегодняшний день утаить рецепт просто невозможно: существует масса вариантов расшифровки состава. Так, утверждается, что знаменитый ингредиент 7Х включает в себя масла лимона, апельсина, корицы, мускатного ореха, цветков горького апельсина, кориандра и лайма.
На заводах смешивают компоненты под кодовыми номерами, а на банках продолжает красоваться мало, что говорящая надпись "натуральные ароматизаторы". С уверенностью можно сказать, что ни коки, ни колы там уже давным-давно нет. Зато знаем, из каких паразитов извлекают "красители". Теперь можно прервать бесконечные рассказы о растворенном целлофане и разрушающихся зубах и внутренних органах. Использование газировки в Индии вместо пестицидов. Иначе как мы еще живы?
"Кока-Кола" вездесуща. На нее составляют гороскопы. Она и в армии, и в космосе. Например, в соннике говорится: "Кока-кола" - если во сне вам очень хочется выпить кока-колы, то в реальной жизни у вас могут возникнуть проблемы в общении с противоположным полом, которые происходят от вашей неуверенности в себе. Для молодой женщины сон, в котором она пьет кока-колу, сулит ей удачный роман". Так что тайное знание о червячках репутации не разрушит. Новая задача "Кока-Колы", по словам главы маркетингового департамента корпорации, найти новый подход к потребителю: "Мы считаем, что в течение дня бывают такие моменты, к которым подойдет только кока-кола". Осталось лишь рассказать нам об этих моментах, чтобы мы сразу все поняли и пошли в ближайший магазин.
Тайна багряных кермесов История такого пищевого красителя, как кошениль, он же кармин (Е120), напоминает детективный роман. Получать его люди научились в глубокой древности. В библейских легендах упоминается пурпурная краска, полученная из красного червя, которую употребляли потомки Ноя. И действительно, кармин получали из насекомых кошенили, известных также как дубовые червецы, или кермесы. Обитали они в странах Средиземноморья, встречались в Польше и на Украине, однако наибольшую известность получила араратская кошениль. Еще в III веке один из персидских царей подарил римскому императору Аврелиану шерстяную ткань, выкрашенную в багряный цвет, которая стала достопримечательностью Капитолия. Араратская кошениль упоминается и в средневековых арабских хрониках, где говорится о том, что Армения производит краску «кирмиз», используемую для окраски пуховых и шерстяных изделий, написания книжных гравюр. Однако в XVI веке на мировом рынке появился новый тип кошенили — мексиканская. Привез ее из Нового Света знаменитый конкистадор Эрнан Кортес в качестве дара своему королю. Мексиканская кошениль была мельче араратской, зато размножалась пять раз в год, в ее худеньких тельцах практически отсутствовал жир, что упрощало процесс производства краски, да и красящий пигмент был ярче. В считанные годы новый тип кармина завоевал всю Европу, об араратской же кошенили просто забыли на долгие годы. Восстановить рецепты прошлого удалось только в начале XIX века архимандриту Эчмиадзинского монастыря Исааку Тер-Григоряну, он же миниатюрист Саак Цахкарар. В 30-е годы XIX века его открытием заинтересовался академик Российской Императорской академии наук Иосиф Гамель, посвятивший «живым красителям» целую монографию. Кошениль даже попытались разводить в промышленных масштабах. Однако появление в конце XIX века дешевых анилиновых красителей отбило у отечественных предпринимателей охоту возиться с «червяками». Впрочем, очень быстро стало ясно, что необходимость в краске из кошенили отпадет еще очень не скоро, ведь в отличие от химических красителей она абсолютно безвредна для человеческого организма, а значит, может применяться в кулинарии. В 30-е годы ХХ века советское правительство решило сократить ввоз импортных продуктов питания и обязало знаменитого энтомолога Бориса Кузина наладить производство отечественной кошенили. Экспедиция в Армению увенчалась успехом. Ценное насекомое было найдено. Однако его разведению помешала война. Проект по изучению араратской кошенили был возобновлен только в 1971 году, но до разведения ее в промышленных масштабах дело так и не дошло. Что еще готовят с использованием гусениц-кошенили? Мармелад, конфеты типа чупа-чупс, знаменитый апперетив Кампари. Везде используется жучок кошенили... А ведь это и есть "тот самый вкус знакомый с детства", разве нет?
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"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry recalled,kevin durant shoes "people said I was too short, don't play college basketball, then for your same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People do not think I can play guard, then said I am not a pure point guard, until October of not too long ago, I also found how the general manager of funny if you ask me as the league 3 rd good shooting guard. I've not yet fully engage in their full potential, well, i set a higher normal to himself, committed to continuously improve for being more outstanding. "
"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach indicate Jackson said, "and rotate, stop and go empty-handed, hook hand, step back, calf, in the face regarding two double forced to......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see he could be astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can get to this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a superior level, the two-time MVP give, shooting is incredible, but it's also a level. And the other like reggie cooper, Chris mullin, such because dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but many people didn't garage so thorough, this guy is zero limit. "
Timer and also dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still later step. Garage again to try and do a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be outside the ground, under the condition in the body is still soaring, use forefinger and middle finger touch to complete the hand. Treasury body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as relating to the ball and floor for an additional 10 degrees Angle. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds normally, the garage from planning action to dial this ball moves, it merely takes 0. 4 moments. Fast to make up to the deficiency of the garage height, the ball well avoid the opponent blocking fly toward the basket at the same time, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves if the posture, and of his or her teammates has begun to help pose three gestures...
New 2018 basketball -- curry 5 stephen curry shoes kyrie irving shoes adidas nmd shoes Throw three points is just not the whole garage daily work, and don't forget, Stephen curry is the team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists from the regular season, 14 inside league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes will be averaging 9. 3 assists for the reason that league the first! Let's imagine an image, 40 minutes per game inside Treasury, attack launched a large number of times, there are always many ball he wasn't in the outside, but the baseball inside, attracted a twice... What will happen and then? There was a man he'll tell you the response, asics shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the fantastic state warriors, he made this season 211 3-pointers, finished third inside the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.
12-13 season to contrast the car port and ray Allen in '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he is the Seattle supersonics. Of which year, Allen's 269 of 653 three-point shots, shot 41. 2%, as Stephen - 272 of 600 shots in his Arsenal, up to 45. 3%; That yr, Alan ball attack produce 3 ratio is under a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in data bank; That year, Allen's assists the number 3. 7, less compared to Treasury for three allows. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand down the garage outline: he not only completed the sharpshooter qualifications, his teammates for his or her creation of free-throw opportunities into; He will also look for opportunities while doing so, through the ball cutting-edge, stopped for no allows 3-pointer of shots. Moreover, he also can move assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Besides can catch vote, may also urgent stopped, can generate more opportunities to others, this star, unique! I am kevin durant shoes|kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are unable to define Stephen curry, should be in with the "great" rhetoric.
New 2018 basketball -- curry 5 stephen curry shoes kyrie irving shoes adidas nmd shoes Two steals in his Toolbox, stephen curry shoes in the first quarter, and the two steals to garage an overall of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, which in turn transcends the rick Barry, became the steals within the history of the warriors team inside playoffs.
Garage into seven three-pointers inside game, this also let his playoff three-pointers hit number around 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff record list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he also only six three factors.
37 points in merely three games, came asics shoes to life, and this is his there is much surprise, including playoffs) 9th score 35 + sport with three alone, in excess of 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top of league.
So many record the initial world war, there is no doubt that this game can be considered to be the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 allows, shooting 40. 3% along with 35. 3% from 3, compared with the regular season shooting stage, some degree of decline, however the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in various players to hound him or her, but no one can easily disturb his rhythm. Shed, as it were, in the game again to uncover "day day" feeling.
11 three-point collection out hand, hit kevin durant shoes|kd shoes eight goals, including vast distances of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting within the stands to watch the old garage, it also appears to possess son's playing god appear to be some incredible performance. The lens on the old garage, he can't help but shook his / her head.
Of course, no matter what other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with absolute confidence. In the 3 rd quarter the warriors together with 88-58 big lead your blazers, garage outside the actual three-point line again, the ball away from the one hand, they turned back field, the ball firmly in to the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points in this particular state, the other get together can say what?
Shed, 26, is one kevin durant shoes of the largest child, dell : garage in 2002, their dad announced over of sixteen years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes statement card. From a very young age, Stephen throughout the shooting learned how to shoot in the feet of the master, when dad refused to take him to the hornets coaching, Stephen will be pursed mouth, not because can't go to see those big-name players, the old you are, but because he also need to be with my dad, to practice his shot.
At age 9, garage is of his or her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach needs to outside shot collapse for the opponent's zone will be sent. Recalled the oneself, garage proudly said: "when I was a defense authorities, all start from presently there. "
To go back to curry shoes the original text, in the event the garage near the baseball in midfield, people tend to overlook just about the most important thing: pool soccer ball skills. Sonya, thanks to be able to his mother, then any 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again at the same time, she was in high school graduation played point guard, looking at the volleyball after to the campus of Virginia tech, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble towards coast, I have to choose to shoot or move, it's my limit. "Dell stated, "people started for Stephen impression is all the guy can beautiful posture hit photographs, but before becoming the striker, he already was an even better control player, people tend to ignore it. After his dribble shot, is I the most beautiful moments. Thanks to their mother. ".
Storage area, 26, is one kd shoes from the largest child, dell -- garage in 2002, his or her dad announced over 07 years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes report card. From a incredibly young age, Stephen throughout the shooting learned how to shoot in the feet of the learn, when dad refused to look at him to the hornets training, Stephen will be pursed mouth, not because can't go to see those big-name players, the old you happen to be, but because he also wish to be with my dad, to practice his shot.
At the age of 9, garage is of his very own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams connected with players, only if the coach must outside shot collapse in the opponent's zone will end up being sent. Recalled the your self, garage proudly said: "when We was a defense professionals, all start from at this time there. "
To go returning to curry shoes the original text, if the garage near the golf ball in midfield, people tend to overlook the most important thing: pool ball skills. Sonya, thanks to his mother, then a new 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again while doing so, she was in senior high school played point guard, embracing the volleyball after in the campus of Virginia technological, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble for the coast, I have to pick to shoot or complete, it's my limit. "Dell claimed, "people started for Stephen impression is all he'll beautiful posture hit pictures, but before becoming the striker, he already was a greater control player, people are likely to ignore it. After the dribble shot, is I the most amazing moments. Thanks to his or her mother. ".
Garage underneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the switch on the left side in the body without any slowdown, his or her footsteps choiceness and quick, soon arrived at the position you want to go. Unlike most pitcher like center of gravity down, then struggled to jump to finish, the garage action more concise. Don't waste any hard work, just jump off the earth, slightly triggered his capturing action instantly. "He is not only one of the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to create the definition, the complete shooting art played a revolutionary role. "The bobcats brain scout work Adam : Mr Libby said Treasury.
Counter-top frames in 6 units and 31 seconds, garage from his torso slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger in addition to middle finger instinct to get gaps in the rubber ball center. His arm gently lifted back, left his palm the basketball, but still control concerning his fingers. His right arm into all the joints is close to be able to 90 degree Angle, through the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow towards wrist, from wrist to consider, as if a restaurant waiter in carrying the tray.
Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in the front, curry shoes need to speed up their action within the Treasury, since the childhood to lay an excellent foundation for complete to garage in a state, the right arm and shooting is able to keep perfect posture and strength. And in addition to master hand movements, garage carries a precise shot needed a different factor: enough deep muscles memory. Shooting touch seriously isn't a proper adjective, anyone player, able to throw a superb shooting there is although one secret to all - every single day, year after year practice, until a set regarding complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscle mass. Garage never resist for example monks meditate boring practice, it also helped any time he graduated from senior high school, eventually grow into another leading little-known Davidson college NCAA elite last 8.
"Game changing, there is no time to kd shoes you feel about your own shooting actions is correct, " curry claimed, "you can only count on their daily at working out ground building muscle recollection, hit and believe that we can. We're so a lot of practice in training, so that you can the game, you can make use of instinct to react. But if it is not correctly, the game will feel very strange. ".
Half-court complete,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 items and 4 rebounds 6 assists, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 provides the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat inside the second half, even his / her one-on-one hit his items. In this series, OuWenBen must have certain advantages in counterpoint, such as finals last year, as the season of Christmas battles, with their strong personalized fortunes turned.
But today the warriors from the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to discover the rhythm. Actually, today most of the time was clay - Thompson The almighty Owen, although Owen hit a dead looking at him, but clay height reach or to some extent, limits the Owen's attack. In only a few times industry by storm single singled out within his Arsenal, although Owen features good performance, but also it's hard to return for a knight.
Full play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists inside Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kd shoes shots. 24 points and 3 rebounds, 2 assists, Owen has scored 17 points inside first half, he scored seven points within the second half. Facing the big four in the mighty, and only Eileen Owen in one-on-one gain garage have chances, but today's garage to do better.
Being a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that she is the team mentor and organizer. In some other words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around expecting kevin durant shoes someone else to offer him the ball. We take novak to your comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer facilitates objects, and to moment, after statistics, novak found in 2010 hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is usually a teammate's pass and reach; Three-point shots hit your second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't a exception, he hit curry shoes throughout 213, has 206 relies on your friend's passing.
The garage He the many 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 is not sending (272), basically, is to create possibilities, nasty sto vote. This trick inside the team's star, such while flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because someone errs, physical strength usage, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is not high. But obviously is definitely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times isn't assists quantity highest inside alliance,stephen curry shoes even better in comparison with lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, plus the shooting is in some sort of league all five this sort of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), equally quality and quantity. Taken together, the three points for you to thrown into space is just not an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots need to create his own shots, this how tired! Essentially the most precious is, no subject when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a top percentage. It is no wonder how the manager of the warriors when Bob myers recently told the Associated Click said: "as long as it's garage, to receive the ball is reasonable. ".
Finals final season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes is not very ideal, although your data well, but the efficiency just isn't high, and his again pass error, defensive irvine was made key 3 points have grown to be a "black spots" minute, apparently, in hope that on this to prove himself.
No, after the opening, the three points within the database and didn't strike two shots, on the contrary, the knight several points would hit quite a few over there. Garage or concentrate on defense, he para which includes lebron, Irwin, JR., has become people already, also get successful prevention.
In passing, did well in your Treasury, the ball to your teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in numerous opportunity attack. 04 seconds left inside the first quarter, garage dribble to the frontcourt, rhythm, but he or she is confident the take several steps away from the three-point line and it's really necessary to make curry shoes techniques, the ball! This is usually the warriors in the initial 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances about the right side of the bottom again in a 3 items!
It is worth mentioning that this opening, the garage correct arm was wearing some sort of black gear, it is usually because his right elbow inside the game before the old injury features a relapse, however, with the action, he has to lose protective devices. Gear, it seems like, has affected the manage, before he took off once i feel much better.
Inside against lebron James, the defense is progressing very well in his or her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a young knocked out, the referee features stephen curry shoes blown the garage hindering foul, garage on the earth is various, make action towards the referee said lebron elbow.
In breakthrough, garage can be a difficult moves, all kinds of people all the technique up his defense, which include lebron, but Treasury first in all kinds of dazzling dribble move Thompson, soon after air and rival collision cases, the hard in order to score.
Garage underneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the start up the left side with the body without any slowdown, their footsteps choiceness and quick, soon arrived at the position you wish to go. Unlike most pitcher like the biggest market of gravity down, then struggled to jump to complete, the garage action more concise. Don't waste any hard work, just jump off the ground, slightly triggered his taking pictures action instantly. "He is not only the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to make the definition, the entire shooting art played any revolutionary role. "The bobcats brain scout work Adam -- Mr Libby said Treasury.
Kitchen counter frames in 6 minutes and 31 seconds, garage from his upper body slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger along with middle finger instinct to discover gaps in the rubberized ball center. His arm gently lifted back, left his palm the golf ball, but still control between his fingers. His right arm into all the joints is close to 90 degree Angle, from the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow towards wrist, from wrist to reference, as if a bistro waiter in carrying some sort of tray.
Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in the front, curry shoes need to speed up their action in the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in a state, the right arm and shooting can continue perfect posture and power. And in addition to perfect hand movements, garage includes a precise shot needed yet another factor: enough deep muscle memory. Shooting touch isn't a proper adjective, a single player, able to throw an excellent shooting there is however one secret to all - every single day, year after year train, until a set involving complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist for example monks meditate boring training, it also helped as soon as he graduated from high school, eventually grow into some other leading little-known Davidson university NCAA elite last ten.
"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes you approach your own shooting action is correct, " curry explained, "you can only rely on their daily at the training ground building muscle recollection, hit and believe that any of us can. We're so a great deal of practice in training, so that you can the game, you can depend on instinct to react. But if it is not in the right way, the game will sense very strange. ".
Being a core point guard, garage as well as other three split the difference is that he is the team attract and organizer. In various other words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around awaiting kevin durant shoes someone else to offer him the ball. We take novak to a comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer allows objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found this season hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is a teammate's pass and struck; Three-point shots hit the second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't any exception, he hit curry shoes throughout 213, has 206 will depend on your friend's passing.
The garage He every one of the 3-pointer this season, you'll find 105 of 3 isn't sending (272), basically, is to create options, nasty sto vote. This trick inside team's star, such seeing that flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because another person errs, physical strength use, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is just not high. But obviously can be an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is not assists quantity highest throughout alliance,stephen curry shoes even better when compared with lebron James thrown straight into more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in a league all five these kinds of not assists free-throw shooting players on the fifth (41. 8%), both equally quality and quantity. Used together, the three points to thrown into space is just not an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots have to create his own photographs, this how tired! The most precious is, no make a difference when and where, and steps to make moves, garage has a high percentage. It is no wonder that this manager of the enthusiast when Bob myers just lately told the Associated Click said: "as long because it's garage, to have the ball is reasonable. inch.
From brought the first curry shoes ball, a garage at this match: each other spelled out a perfect diamond top, teammate Steve Blake flew to check out up, left the clippers protect darren collison (microblogging) the length between two steps powering their closely, Danny granger is the only defender in pull. This is the car port superior court intuition and which embodies: his shot selection. He seems to fully grasp the defensive player of the ideas, can predict the next move, then strike early in advance. "When other people tend to be doing gesture, garage throughout judgment, and the game, this is Stephen is best place, in this respect this league may be second to none. Find field space, know the location where the defense space will occur, it is the key of the art of his shots. Because no matter just how good your shots, a lot more exquisite technology, no place is useless. "ESPN's Donald thorpe, once wrote within his article.
Garage cautiously stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he also have reason to be consequently cautious. Before this, the warriors have skipped 12 goals in 13 shots previously, is now 33 to help 37 behind the clippers, disturbed because of the right leg muscle strain of garage after only 1 of 4. For storage area himself, this ball is vital: before a season, he hit a record in NBA history along with 272 grains of three points, if again recognized three points today, his three points this season hit number will go beyond 200 mark. So that library can be the sixth in a row has at least two season hit 2 hundred grains of three gamers, at the same time, still can have a few points to continuous hit game streak always 54 games - it will be the warriors team background record.
"I like everything kevin durant shoes relevant to the shooting, " garage once said in an interview, "but with the highest especially in perfect hand posture. When your body's in good rhythm, from standing in the feet and incapacitated, his hands to complete an attempt, all series of joint actions will probably be calm and smooth, including waves. It's a superb feeling. ".
Being a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that they is the team bring in and organizer. In various other words, he can't be like novak on the perimeter around looking forward to kd shoes someone else to give him the ball. We take novak to a comparison, everything also - reference counted for individuals each a 3-pointer facilitates objects, and to moment, after statistics, novak found this year hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is a teammate's pass and reach; Three-point shots hit the other more this season Ryan - Anderson is no exception, he hit curry shoes inside 213, has 206 relies on your friend's passing.
The garage He every one of the 3-pointer this season, you will discover 105 of 3 is not sending (272), in other words, is to create options, nasty sto vote. This trick in the team's star, such because flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because a person errs, physical strength intake, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is just not high. But obviously is usually an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times just isn't assists quantity highest within alliance,stephen curry shoes even better as compared to lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, plus the shooting is in any league all five such not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), both quality and quantity. Obtained together, the three points for you to thrown into space is not an easy thing, need to have the forty percent three-point shots must create his own photos, this how tired! By far the most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and how to make simple moves, garage has a higher percentage. It is no wonder that this manager of the enthusiast when Bob myers recently told the Associated Press said: "as long while it's garage, to receive the ball is reasonable. inches.
Knight's method clearly, today is to be able to cling to garage, never give him any chance, and Kevin durant is always individually with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive seek out opportunities, such as experience stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, use the other fear his circumference ability garage easily scored two points.
The last 80 seconds inside the first half, durant skipped shots from outside, this basket three players are usually knights, including Thompson, lebron, as a result, the Treasury rushed to the basket from the very long position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds in the knight encirclement! Then he / she points ball durant, who finished scores!
And the 2nd half, knight to defensive strategy is apparently shaken, they don't have an excessive amount of double again, help, curiously, JR in 1 about 1 against Arsenal, and directly put the actual garage was pushed towards ground.
Sure enough, the knight defensive shaken curry shoes right after scoring started rising with his Arsenal, outside their 3-pointer by continuous, during those times he was given the opportunity to just like Kevin durant got chance within the first half. After three points in the database is still reach, he this section one bomb within the 14 points.
Today is usually June 1, the time kevin durant shoes could be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is just about the holiday today.
Small garage finish I rested most of the holiday to battle, they are still the contribution towards brilliant stroke, but in addition pass a 3-pointer by simply Kevin durant. The past 3 minutes, garage off in advance of schedule, because the sport had no suspense.
"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kd shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't play college basketball, then for that same reason that I cannot play in the NBA. People don't even think I can play protect, then said I am not a pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found the general manager of funny in my opinion as the league 3 rd good shooting guard. I've got not yet fully play their full potential, so i set a higher standard to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "
"We've never met having it . curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach indicate Jackson said, "and move, stop and go empty-handed, catch hand, step back, lower-leg, in the face associated with two double forced to help......, any thought of firing mode, you can see he is astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can reach this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a higher level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but additionally it is a level. And his / her other like reggie cooper, Chris mullin, such because dell and I played together - Ellis, dell -- Arsenal, they are just about all fantastic striker, but they will didn't garage so comprehensive, this guy is simply no limit. "
Timer and dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes and 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still late step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be outside the ground, under the condition in the body is still increasing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to perform the hand. Treasury body slightly back. This not only makes his moves difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor to have an additional 10 degrees Angle. NBA players to occasion takes 0. 6 seconds an average of, the garage from organizing action to dial the particular ball moves, it simply takes 0. 4 seconds. Fast to make up to the deficiency of the shed height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket along the way, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves if the posture, and of his teammates has begun to pose three gestures...
Throw three points is not the whole garage every day work, and don't neglect, Stephen curry is the team in assists along with steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists in the regular season, 14 inside league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists because league the first! Let's imagine a graphic, 40 minutes per game inside Treasury, attack launched many times, there are always some ball he wasn't within the outside, but the basketball inside, attracted a twice... What will happen next? There was a man he can tell you the reply, curry shoes he called clay : Thompson, from the golden state warriors, he made this year 211 3-pointers, finished third from the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 comes from the assists of Stephen curry.
12-13 period to contrast the storage and ray Allen within '05 -' 06 - Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he or she is the Seattle supersonics. Which year, Allen's 269 involving 653 three-point shots, picture 41. 2%, as Stephen -- 272 of 600 photographs in his Arsenal, of up to 45. 3%; That 12 months, Alan ball attack create 3 ratio is under a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in data bank; That year, Allen's assists the quantity 3. 7, less versus Treasury for three helps. So the outline, the image associated with an alternative 3-pointers hand along the garage outline: he not simply completed the sharpshooter track record, his teammates for the creation of free-throw chances into; He will also look for opportunities as well, through the ball discovery, stopped for no allows 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can cross assists, "create" another pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not just can catch vote, will also urgent stopped, can generate more opportunities to people, this star, unique! I'm kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are actually unable to define Stephen curry, also need to be in with a new "great" rhetoric.
Finals previous season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes is not very ideal, although the results well, but the efficiency just isn't high, and his rear pass error, defensive irvine was created key 3 points are getting to be a "black spots" instant, apparently, in hope that within this to prove himself.
Not any, after the opening, the three points inside the database and didn't strike two shots, on your contrary, the knight 3 points would hit many over there. Garage or concentrate on defense, he para which includes lebron, Irwin, JR., may be people already, also get successful prevention.
In transferring, did well in the Treasury, the ball to your teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in a number of opportunity attack. 04 seconds left in the first quarter, garage dribble for the frontcourt, rhythm, but he or she is confident the take several steps away from the three-point line and it's really necessary to make curry shoes moves, the ball! This is additionally the warriors in the very first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances on the right side of the beds base again in a 3 things!
It is worth mentioning which the opening, the garage appropriate arm was wearing the black gear, it can be because his right elbow within the game before the old injury features a relapse, however, with the game, he has to lift off protective devices. Gear, this indicates, has affected the manage, before he took off while i feel much better.
In against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in the Arsenal, but after he was lebron was an adolescent knocked out, the referee offers stephen curry shoes blown the garage blocking foul, garage on the floor is various, make action towards the referee said lebron shoulder.
In breakthrough, garage can be a difficult moves, a myriad of people all the method up his defense, such as lebron, but Treasury first in all kinds of dazzling dribble move Thompson, after air and rival wreck cases, the hard to help score.
Like a core point guard, garage and also other three split the difference is which he is the team attract and organizer. In some other words, he can't end up like novak on the perimeter around expecting kd shoes someone else to offer him the ball. We take novak with a comparison, everything also - reference counted for all of us each a 3-pointer facilitates objects, and to occasion, after statistics, novak found shock as to hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 can be a teammate's pass and struck; Three-point shots hit your second more this season Ryan - Anderson is not any exception, he hit curry shoes throughout 213, has 206 relies upon your friend's passing.
The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 isn't sending (272), in other words, is to create opportunities, nasty sto vote. This trick inside the team's star, such seeing that flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because someone errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously can be an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times seriously isn't assists quantity highest inside alliance,stephen curry shoes even better compared to lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in any league all five such not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), equally quality and quantity. Used together, the three points to thrown into space is not an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots must create his own shots, this how tired! By far the most precious is, no subject when and where, and how to make simple moves, garage has a top percentage. It is no wonder that this manager of the players when Bob myers not long ago told the Associated Press said: "as long seeing that it's garage, to receive the ball is reasonable. inches.
Finals final season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes isn't very ideal, although your data well, but the efficiency seriously isn't high, and his back pass error, defensive irvine was produced key 3 points are becoming a "black spots" moment, apparently, in hope that with this to prove himself.
Simply no, after the opening, the three points from the database and didn't struck two shots, on your contrary, the knight a few points would hit many over there. Garage or consentrate on defense, he para as well as lebron, Irwin, JR., may be people already, also have got successful prevention.
In transferring, did well in the actual Treasury, the ball to some teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in a number of opportunity attack. 04 seconds left inside the first quarter, garage dribble towards frontcourt, rhythm, but he's confident the take a couple of steps away from the three-point line and necessary to make curry shoes goes, the ball! This is also the warriors in the first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances about the right side of the bottom again in a 3 things!
It is worth mentioning which the opening, the garage suitable arm was wearing a new black gear, it can be because his right elbow from the game before the old injury includes a relapse, however, with the game, he has to lose protective devices. Gear, it seems, has affected the handle, before he took off once i feel much better.
Inside against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in his / her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a young knocked out, the referee provides stephen curry shoes blown the garage blocking foul, garage on the earth is various, make action towards the referee said lebron elbow.
In breakthrough, garage can also be a difficult moves, lots of people all the method up his defense, such as lebron, but Treasury first in many dazzling dribble move Thompson, following air and rival impact cases, the hard in order to score.
Storage, 26, is one kd shoes on the largest child, dell -- garage in 2002, his dad announced over 16 years of career, finally handed over 40. 2% on threes document card. From a really young age, Stephen round the shooting learned how to shoot at the feet of the get good at, when dad refused to take him to the hornets instruction, Stephen will be pursed jaws, not because can't go to see those big-name players, the old you happen to be, but because he also desire to be with my dad, to train his shot.
At age 9, garage is of her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach must outside shot collapse on the opponent's zone will possibly be sent. Recalled the one self, garage proudly said: "when My spouse and i was a defense gurus, all start from at this time there. "
To go returning to curry shoes the original text, if your garage near the baseball in midfield, people tend to overlook probably the most important thing: pool ball skills. Sonya, thanks to be able to his mother, then a new 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again as well, she was in high school played point guard, looking towards the volleyball after in the campus of Virginia technology, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble towards coast, I have to settle on to shoot or move, it's my limit. "Dell explained, "people started for Stephen impression is all he'll beautiful posture hit images, but before becoming a striker, he already was a better control player, people tend to ignore it. After his or her dribble shot, is I the most beautiful moments. Thanks to their mother. ".
As a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that he is the team sponsor and organizer. In additional words, he can't resemble novak on the perimeter around anticipating kevin durant shoes someone else to give him the ball. We take novak to your comparison, everything also - reference counted for us each a 3-pointer facilitates objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found shock as to hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is usually a teammate's pass and struck; Three-point shots hit the second more this season Ryan - Anderson is no exception, he hit curry shoes with 213, has 206 utilizes your friend's passing.
The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 seriously isn't sending (272), to put it differently, is to create opportunities, nasty sto vote. This trick in the team's star, such because flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because someone errs, physical strength usage, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is not high. But obviously is definitely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times just isn't assists quantity highest with alliance,stephen curry shoes even better as compared to lebron James thrown in to more all 3-pointers, as well as the shooting is in a league all five this sort of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), each quality and quantity. Taken together, the three points in order to thrown into space isn't an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots have to create his own pictures, this how tired! By far the most precious is, no issue when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a higher percentage. It is no wonder which the manager of the a warrior when Bob myers not too long ago told the Associated Push said: "as long as it's garage, to get the ball is reasonable. inches.
As being a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that she is the team mentor and organizer. In some other words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around waiting for kevin durant shoes someone else to supply him the ball. We take novak with a comparison, everything also - reference counted for individuals each a 3-pointer allows objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found there is much surprise hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 can be a teammate's pass and attack; Three-point shots hit the second more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't exception, he hit curry shoes within 213, has 206 utilizes your friend's passing.
The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, you will discover 105 of 3 seriously isn't sending (272), put simply, is to create opportunities, nasty sto vote. This trick inside team's star, such as flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, John, but often because another person errs, physical strength intake, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously is definitely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is not assists quantity highest in alliance,stephen curry shoes even better as compared to lebron James thrown straight into more all 3-pointers, plus the shooting is in some sort of league all five this kind of not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), each quality and quantity. Taken together, the three points to help thrown into space is just not an easy thing, should have the forty percent three-point shots need to create his own pictures, this how tired! By far the most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and how to make moves, garage has a high percentage. It is no wonder that this manager of the a warrior when Bob myers not long ago told the Associated Mass media said: "as long since it's garage, to obtain the ball is reasonable. ".
Half-court done,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 factors and 4 rebounds 6 aids, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 has got the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat from the second half, even his one-on-one hit his details. In this series, OuWenBen needs certain advantages in counterpoint, such as the finals last year, as the season of Christmas competitions, with their strong personal fortunes turned.
But today the warriors on the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to get the rhythm. Actually, today most of the time was clay - Thompson Adept Owen, although Owen hit a dead when in front of him, but clay height reach or to some degree, limits the Owen's assault. In only a few times in the face of single singled out throughout his Arsenal, although Owen has good performance, but also it's hard to return for a knight.
Complete play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists inside the Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kevin durant shoes shots. 24 points and 3 rebounds, only two assists, Owen has scored 17 points in the first half, he scored seven points from the second half. Facing the big four on the mighty, and only Erika Owen in one-on-one get garage have chances, but today's garage to accomplish better.
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