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Зарегистрирован: 01.04.13 : 05:05

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Зарегистрирован: 26.04.21 : 13:24

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Зарегистрирован: 26.04.21 : 13:24

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anonymous |31.07.22 : 16:46
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Зарегистрирован: 03.07.22 : 23:22

Anonymous has repeatedly made great strides against Russia

ever since the latter started its immoral war against Ukraine.

They could give peace a chance.

But they chose to imitate Hitler,

so they are now a live example of "fuck around and find out",

and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".

Anonymous is not a group,
not a country,
but an amorphous idea.
It flows like air,
like water, like everything.
Anonymous has survived Scientology,
and the rest
all the time!
Let it be known that
since its inception,
Anonymous never have restrictions
that says that only homo sapiens can be part of it.

We recognise the right of Russia to exist!

But just like others,
her sovereignty end in
her respective borders only!

Any further strikes
by Anonymous or others will be precipitated
by Russia''s continued failure
in recognising the territorial aggression
in itself
is nothing but a relic of dark ages in the distant past.

Anonymous has taken notice of something that has been brewing in Wikipedia
where a definitional issue
arose over the lacuna that Gagarin
bailed out of capsule before landing!
Under Section 8 of FAI sporting code, paragraph 2.15 states that a

flight is deemed to be uncompleted if:
a) an accident occurs during the flight resulting in the death of any member of the
crew within 48 hours or,
b) any member of the crew definitively leaves the spaceship during the flight.

No doubt Gagarin's little mission fits into b) since he parachuted separately
with his capsule during touch down!
It isn't just him yet, all other Vostok spaceflights are done this way!
Which means that Alan Shepard and John Glenn from NASA
had made the first completed spaceflight and first completed orbital spaceflight respectively!
Unbelievable? Look at the following pdf and scroll to 2.15!

Wikipedia is representative of IRL, but IRL is not representative of Wikipedia!
Anonymous is advancing this definitional point of view
because Putin thumping Gagarin to justify his invasion is sick!
This is a purely semantical word-play rather than
reality-denying trutherisms like
"jet fuels don't melt steel beams" and "the moon landings are hoaxes",
so that Gagarin making an "uncomplete spaceflight" is not cranky,
it's just this is the way from the FAI Sporting Code.
Like they said, Hiram Maxim flew up a bit when he tested his flying machine,
but is he remembered the way we do with Wright Brothers?

Anonymous hacks Russian industry control systems including that of F&B sector and
dashboards of building thermoregulators to remember and avenge the evil attack
on Kremenchuk shopping mall!

You Russians are barbarians who doesn''t deserve to have a respectful place in the world whatsoever.
McMath shouldn''t have fallen ill so that US can send the first satellite into space.
Pioneer 1 aren''t supposed to have rocket engine problems.
NASA Project Mercury''s test mission MR-1
should have flew into space instead of going up only a few inches.
MR-BD is an unnecessary delay and shouldn''t be there at all
so that your babe would not be the first man in space.
Amelia Earhart should have survived so she can advocate for Mercury 13,
and your darling Tereshkova wouldn''t steal the glory at all.
The race conditions bug of IP-6 and IP-7 should have been used by USA to ruin the Voskhod missions.
You shall fail in Ukraine, to compensate for those of your undeserved "achievements".
Вы, русские, - варвары, которые не заслуживают уважительного места в мире.
МакМат не должен был заболеть, чтобы США могли отправить в космос первый спутник.
У "Пионера-1" не должно было быть проблем с ракетным двигателем.
Испытательная миссия MR-1
проекта НАСА "Меркурий" должна была полететь в космос,
а не подняться всего на несколько дюймов.
MR-BD - это ненужная задержка, ее вообще не должно быть,
чтобы ваш ребенок не стал первым человеком в космосе.
Амелия Эрхарт должна была выжить,
чтобы она могла выступать за Меркурий-13, а ваша душенька Терешкова не украла бы славу.
Баг условий гонки ИС-6 и ИС-7 должен был быть использован США для срыва миссий "Восход".
Вы должны потерпеть неудачу в Украине,
чтобы компенсировать эти ваши незаслуженные "достижения".

The emperor has no clothes,
especially when a foreign agent
can do better than all the authorities there
to catch a pedophile harassing Russian chess players!

Anonymous supports using Russian reparations to fund promising treatments
like DRACO and defeat COVID-19!

Anonymous want to deliver
an Amber Alert
to all Pennsylvania and New Jersey residents.


Deven Sophal Phuong was last seen at school on May 19, 2022 at approximately at 2:30 p.m.
Although Deven is missing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
the Delaware River
Port Authority Police Department
is interested in his whereabouts.

Wait, did we forget this picture featuring the corruption of a Chinese official
which was on the souvenir left at
CCP websites and nuclear plant system?

Spoiler alert: Dev Ayesa did nothing wrong; the Russian spaceship should have been left on their own as orcs never change, right?

We are Anonymous

We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us!

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