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Свободное падение
Еще в начале лета приятель мне рассказывал, что в парке на Крестовском острове поставили новые аттракционы. Мол, соорудили большие Русские горки и поставили какое-то Свободное падение - лифт в котором тебя сбрасывают с большой высоты. Очень круто.

Сегодня я подумал, что пол лета уже прошло, а я все никак и принял решение, что пора. Барышня, которую я планировал выгулять вечером, восприняла эту идею спокойно и мы отправились.

В 8 часов вечера на входе в парк все было вполне оживленно и весело.

Первым делом увидел большие Русские горки - их построили как раз за старыми. Особо не поразили - ну повыше старых, но ни в какое сравнение с теми развалинами Американских горок, что я видел в детстве где-то примерно в этих же местах. Те были больше. Может потому что в детстве.

Новая, уникальная для России по своим характеристикам Русская Горка. Высота 45 метров, длина трассы 1,5 километра.

Чуть позади виднелась башня свободного падения. Изредка на ней можно было увидеть какой-то лифт, но как он падает заметить не удавалось - очевидно это происходило быстро. Боже, как я ошибался.

Вначале отправились на горки. Вблизи все было еще хуже - такое впечатление, что купили б/у горку в каком-то европейском парке, подлатали и запустили. Все какое-то старое, не современного дизайна, грохочет и лязгает. Ну да ладно, 100 рублей не жалко.

Надо сказать, что до этого я ни разу ни на каких таких аттракционах не выступал и представления не имел.
Просмотр предыдущей группы тоже особо не впечатлил - ну на первой петле повизжали, а потом ехали молча, кто-то даже приветственно рукой махал вниз, и все закончилось довольно быстро.

Сели. Кресла как из Звездных Войн, еще и пшикают при отключении. Сразу предупреждаю - если поторопитесь и все на себе защелкните, то отщелкнется обратно только после финиша. А вы до самого старта, пока там все с местами разбираются будете сидеть прикованными к креслу, как бабочка в коллекции.

Свистнули, вздрогнули, поехали. Затащили нас наверх, довольно высоко, сижу, верчу головой. Подъезжаем к началу.

Ни одна блядь не предупредила, что головой вертеть не надо, а надо прижать ее как ас-истребитель к спинке кресла и держать прямо. Потому как ухнули мы в первую петлю и ускорение в ней оказалось ниебическим. Голову мне загнуло вниз, смотрю себе в промежность и туда же пускаю слюни из перекошенного рта. Чуть шею не отломало.

Слегчало, выпрямляю голову и смотрю вперед. Да, дальше я только этим и занимался. Взгляд уперся в рельсы впереди и от них не отрывался. Ага, вон та гайка сейчас не выдержит... Или вон та скоба... И пойдем мы по всем законам физики по касательной всем паровозом в небо... Аки гуси-лебеди, с матами... Блять... Еще поворот... Счас точно улетим, ну не может эта колымага здесь удержаться...

Мысли о том, чтобы величественно помахать рукой вниз не возникло. Она даже не показалась смешной. Волновало, как бы не вырвать скобу из переднего кресла. Или не передавить эту трубу (диаметром сантиметра 4-5) руками как бумажную.

Понеслись по горизонтальной части трассы в лес. Со стороны это место казалось совсем скучным. А тут... в лесу... ебать мой лысый череп, счас точно выпаду к ебеням... и башкой об опоры... ай, ненада! хватит!!!

В общем, все-таки я не заорал и доехал до финиша не обделамшись. Руки на поручне смог разжать не сразу.

Что характерно, пока я боролся с пальцами и уговаривал их отпустить трубу - барышня уже начала поправлять прическу. Первым делом. "Я, - говорит, - как к началу подъехали глаза то и закрыла, а как остановились подумала, что челку наверное мне ветром порастрепало..."

Передохнул, втянул в себя сигарету (мысленно отметил, что ручонки то подрагивают).

- Ну что, на свободное падение? - наигранно бодро так.
- А давай!
И пошли.

Надо сказать, приятель мне рассказал про этот аттракцион так:
- Сначала поднимают до половины и сбрасывают не на полной скорости, притормаживают, чтоб народ привык. А потом тащат на самый верх и от туда уже бросают по полной. И все.
Докладываю: приятель мой на этом аттракционе не был. Наблюдал, видимо, из почтительного далека. Чтоб привык, значит, конечно, хуй там плавал, все наоборот.

Злобный совет:

Вообще, вполне реально купить билет на этот аттракцион в другой кассе, на подходах смотреть на другие аттракционы (там тоже визжат по полной), друзей отвлекать болтовней. Если повезет и очереди не будет - подойдете как раз к загрузке своей группы и получите приятный сюрприз. Тем, кто хочет особо впечатлиться или дать просраться своим друзьям - советую дальше не читать и прокрасться к этому аттракциону глядя в землю, чтоб не увидеть предыдущую группу страдальцев. Со стороны увидеть все не так просто - деревья мешают, вокруг всякое происходит и тд и тп.

То есть если вы не будете знать порядок мероприятия - инфаркт вам обеспечен. Гарантирую.

Нам повезло - очереди не было, но лифт уже был почти заряжен под завязку, были только одиночные места, а мы решили, что обосцаца рядом будет романтичнее и стали ждать следующего сеанса.

Купил билеты (тут уже по 200р), сел рядом на деревянную лавочку и стал наблюдать.

Для начала выяснилось, что сажают всех не внутрь лифта, а снаружи. То есть это такой охеренный столб высотой метров 70 из труб, тросов и прочих балок, на него снаружи одета квадратная рамка, а к ней пристегнуты сиденья. По три с каждой стороны. Сидишь ты, дрыгаешь ногами, а вокруг пустота, только за спиной что-то, чего ты не видишь.

Ну вот, все страдальцы собрались, их пристегнули, барышня билетерша закрыла калитку и с хитрым выражением лица нажала на зеленую кнопку.

Я уселся поудобнее.

Что-то загудело, и лифт пополз вверх. Медленно, вяло и рывками. Поднялся метра на 3, остановился и даже приупал назад сантиметров на 10-20. Кто-то истерически пошутил - ну вот, сломалось.

Вдруг что-то загудело, чиста как в Войне Миров марсиане выли. Очень противно. Явно куда-то воздух нагнетали.

- Э-э-э, - думаю, - наверное, воздушный тормоз готовят. Счас их подымут на половину, плавно опустят...

Настала тишина. Пауза была взята театральная. Мне до сих пор интересно - там паузы всегда одинаковые или рандомный таймер есть?

Что-то тихо пощелкивает... И вдруг их всех как заебенит в небо! Я блядь аж на своей лавке подпрыгнул. Ну натурально как в мультфильмах - когда главного героя из пращи или огромной рогатки в небо пуляют - вжиииик! и он уже в точку. Тут точно так - сидят передо мной 12 человек в марсианских креслах, болтают ножками и вдруг - фьююють и нет их. А где-то в небе черная точка визжит на много голосов.

Если бы я смог оторвать жало от этой точки - то я бы точно оттуда сбег. Но я смотрел на них как кролик на удава и к лавке приклеился.

Ну да ладно. Подошла наша очередь. Уселся в кресло, пристегнулся, жду. Надо сказать так я не мандражировал даже на гонках перед стартом. Барышня сидела в соседнем кресле, но если бы там сидел сам Фредди Крюггер, выражение моего лица не изменилось бы ни на йоту.

Заскрипело, поползли вверх. Замерли. Снизу по-марсиански завыло. Мыслей в голове ноль.
Тишина, драматическая, блять, пауза.

И тут нами ебнули вверх. На Русских горках, если вы помните, я удержался, не заорал. Тут я тоже не заорал. Не смог. Из меня вырвался утробный стон:

В верхней точке мы остановились не сами по себе. Так, во всяком случае, мне ощущалось. Нас тормозили. Вокруг пустота, обозреваю я город, причем вижу его крайне хорошо, не только потому что высоко, а в основном потому что глаза по блюдцу, и в это время кресло начинает тормозить, а я продолжаю стремиться вверх. В небытие. Я так глаза не выпучивал даже, когда меня лично начальник штаба дивизии поймал за воровством на продуктовом складе.


Невесомость. Падение вниз. Но не до конца, до половины примерно. Снова вверх.

Тут нас ловят и останавливают. Подтягивают к самому верху.

Пауза. Снизу раздается марсианский рев. Потом тишина. За спиной что-то зловеще пощелкивает. Обозреваю город, пытаюсь не выронить глаза. Высота примерно 25-ти этажный дом. Болтаю ножками в полной пустоте, думаю о вечном.

Ебббссссс! Полетели вниз.



Ну, потом еще пару раз протелепались туда сюда оттормаживаясь, но это уже детские игрушки.

С кресла сошел сам. Покурил. Отошли от аттракциона подальше. Пошел пописал в бесплатный туалет. Почему-то бесплатность очень успокоила.

Более-менее собрал себя в кучку. Поворачиваюсь к барышне, чтобы величественно изречь "Ну, что, тебе было не очень страшно?" и в это время из-за деревьев раздается марсианский рев. Оказывается, рефлекс надежнейше прописался с одного раза! По условному звуку судорожно замахал руками во все стороны в поисках трубы, чтобы схватиться за нее и замереть.

Атличный атракцион, всем рекомендую. Не хуже чем трижды потрахаться.

Вот обычно, когда барышням страшно, они визжат. Так, да?
Не так. Когда визжат - это им весело и чуть страшно. На свободном падении они не визжали. Они рыдали, во весь голос, с завываниями, на весь парк. Я этот звук не возьмусь передать, аналогов нет. Протяжный и очень громкий взрыд с всхлипыванием, многократно и долго. Совсем не визг, нет. Да я и сам там стонал.

Вы испытаете Взлет в кресле с ускорением болида Формулы 1 на высоту 70 метров и такое же стремительное падение! Тарзанка "отдыхает"!

Был там еще Шейкер, и Шторм, но это я уже ниасилил. На Шторме народ визжал непрерывно и как резаный. Но не плакал, как на свободном падении.
e107 дата 02.05.2006 - 13:45:31 Читать/Комментить: 32отпавить с помощью email кому-нибудь для печати

jianbin0302 |17.10.17 : 11:45
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Зарегистрирован: 01.03.17 : 09:59


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Small garage finish I rested a lot of the holiday to battle, he could be still the contribution towards brilliant stroke, but also pass a 3-pointer by Kevin durant. The very last 3 minutes, garage off ahead of schedule, because the online game had no suspense.

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BKI89yLem |25.05.19 : 23:53
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

After having a brought the first curry shoes ball, a garage at this match: each other spelled out a perfect diamond the front, teammate Steve Blake flew to visit up, left the clippers safeguard darren collison (microblogging) the space between two steps guiding their closely, Danny granger will be the only defender in tow. This is the storage area superior court intuition and knowing that embodies: his shot choice. He seems to fully grasp the defensive player on the ideas, can predict their particular next move, then strike ahead of time. "When other people tend to be doing gesture, garage in judgment, and the video game, this is Stephen is the better place, in this respect this league may be the best. Find field space, know the spot that the defense space will come about, it is the key from the art of his pictures. Because no matter just how good your shots, much more exquisite technology, no space is useless. "ESPN's Jesse thorpe, once wrote within his article.

Garage cautiously stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he have reason to be and so cautious. Before this, the warriors have skipped 12 goals in 13 shots previously, is now 33 to be able to 37 behind the clippers, disturbed by the right leg muscle stress of garage after just one of 4. For storage himself, this ball is critical: before a season, he hit accurate documentation in NBA history having 272 grains of several points, if again set up three points today, his three points there is much surprise hit number will surpass 200 mark. So that library might be the sixth in a row has no less than two season hit 2 hundred grains of three people, at the same time, still can have three points to continuous hit game streak always 54 games - it will likely be the warriors team history record.

"I like everything kd shoes relevant to the shooting, " garage once said in an interview, "but with the most especially in perfect palm posture. When your body is in good rhythm, from standing in the feet and incapacitated, his hands to complete a shot, all series of joint actions will be calm and smooth, just like waves. It's a amazing feeling. ".

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BobbyLem |03.06.19 : 02:02
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

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BKI89yLem |09.06.19 : 03:27
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Garage underneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the start the left side with the body without any slowdown, his footsteps choiceness and quickly, soon arrived at the position you want to go. Unlike most pitcher like the middle of gravity down, then struggled to jump to try and do, the garage action more concise. Don't waste any time and energy, just jump off the earth, slightly triggered his shooting action instantly. "He is not only one of the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to make the definition, the whole shooting art played a new revolutionary role. "The bobcats mind scout work Adam : Mr Libby said Treasury.

Table frames in 6 minutes and 31 seconds, garage from his chest slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger in addition to middle finger instinct to get gaps in the rubberized ball center. His hand gently lifted back, left his palm the ball, but still control among his fingers. His right arm into each of the joints is close for you to 90 degree Angle, from your shoulder to the knee, from the elbow for the wrist, from wrist to make reference to, as if a diner waiter in carrying a new tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound ahead, curry shoes need to speed up their action in the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in different state, the right arm and shooting is able to keep perfect posture and power. And in addition to perfect hand movements, garage carries a precise shot needed yet another factor: enough deep muscles memory. Shooting touch just isn't a proper adjective, a single player, able to throw a superb shooting there is although one secret to all - month after month, year after year practice, until a set associated with complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist such as monks meditate boring exercise, it also helped whenever he graduated from secondary school, eventually grow into some other leading little-known Davidson school NCAA elite last seven.

"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes you see your own shooting activity is correct, " curry claimed, "you can only rely on their daily at working out ground building muscle memory space, hit and believe that people can. We're so a lot of practice in training, in order to the game, you can depend on instinct to react. But if it is not correctly, the game will really feel very strange. ".

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BKI89yLem |15.06.19 : 09:34
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kevin durant shoes "people said I has been too short, don't engage in college basketball, then with the same reason that I can not play in the NBA. People don't even think I can play guard, then said I am not only a pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found that the general manager of funny if you ask me as the league third good shooting guard. We've not yet fully enjoy their full potential, so i set a higher common to himself, committed to continuously improve to get more outstanding. "

"We've never met a person with curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and spin, stop and go empty-handed, get hand, step back, leg, in the face regarding two double forced to help......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see they are astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can achieve this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a high level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but it is equally a level. And the other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such since dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell : Arsenal, they are almost all fantastic striker, but that they didn't garage so extensive, this guy is simply no limit. "

Timer and also dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes and 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to nearby the garage, but still past due step. Garage again to accomplish a beautiful jumper - it isn't strictly jumper, his toe will be from the ground, under the condition in the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to perform the hand. Treasury entire body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as between your ball and floor a great additional 10 degrees Point of view. NBA players to time takes 0. 6 seconds typically, the garage from organizing action to dial the ball moves, it merely takes 0. 4 seconds. Fast to make up for that deficiency of the storage height, the ball well pun intended, the opponent blocking fly toward the basket at the same time, the look of garage is actually along with them. His arm still moves if your posture, and of his or her teammates has begun to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |19.06.19 : 09:35
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Knight's technique clearly, today is in order to cling to garage, don't give him any possibility, and Kevin durant is always one-on-one with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive search for opportunities, such as confront stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, utilize the other fear his border ability garage easily won two points.

The last 80 seconds within the first half, durant have missed shots from outside, the particular basket three players tend to be knights, including Thompson, lebron, therefore, the Treasury rushed in the basket from the very long position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds in the knight encirclement! Then he points ball durant, that finished scores!

And the other half, knight to defensive strategy seems to be shaken, they don't have an excessive amount of double again, help, curiously, JR in 1 about 1 against Arsenal, and directly put the garage was pushed for the ground.

Sure enough, the actual knight defensive shaken curry shoes following scoring started rising within his Arsenal, outside his 3-pointer by continuous, during that time he was given the chance to just like Kevin durant got chance in the first half. After three points inside the database is still reach, he this section one bomb under the 14 points.

Today is actually June 1, the time kd shoes may be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is one of the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested a lot of the holiday to battle, he's still the contribution for the brilliant stroke, but furthermore pass a 3-pointer by means of Kevin durant. The final 3 minutes, garage off in advance of schedule, because the sport had no suspense.

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BobbyLem |27.06.19 : 07:10
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

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BKI89yLem |29.06.19 : 19:52
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage, 26, is one kevin durant shoes of the largest child, dell : garage in 2002, the dad announced over 16 years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes survey card. From a extremely young age, Stephen throughout the shooting learned how to shoot at the feet of the get good at, when dad refused to take him to the hornets instruction, Stephen will be pursed jaws, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old you're, but because he also want to be with my dad, to train his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams involving players, only if the coach has to outside shot collapse with the opponent's zone will always be sent. Recalled the yourself, garage proudly said: "when I was a defense experts, all start from right now there. "

To go back to curry shoes the original text, if the garage near the soccer ball in midfield, people tend to overlook essentially the most important thing: pool ball skills. Sonya, thanks in order to his mother, then a 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again concurrently, she was in high school played point guard, looking at the volleyball after in the campus of Virginia tech, and meet the garage there's father. "If I dribble towards the coast, I have to decide on to shoot or pass, it's my limit. "Dell stated, "people started for Stephen impression is all he can beautiful posture hit photographs, but before becoming some sort of striker, he already was an even better control player, people have a tendency to ignore it. After the dribble shot, is I the most wonderful moments. Thanks to their mother. ".

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BobbyLem |30.06.19 : 10:18
Комментарии: 2892

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BKI89yLem |20.07.19 : 00:59
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Knight's strategy clearly, today is to cling to garage, don't give him any opportunity, and Kevin durant is always one-on-one with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive hunt for opportunities, such as face stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, use the other fear his circumference ability garage easily obtained two points.

The last 80 seconds inside first half, durant overlooked shots from outside, your basket three players tend to be knights, including Thompson, lebron, consequently, the Treasury rushed in to the basket from the long position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds within the knight encirclement! Then this individual points ball durant, whom finished scores!

And the next half, knight to defensive strategy is shaken, they don't have an excessive amount double again, help, oddly enough, JR in 1 with 1 against Arsenal, and directly put the actual garage was pushed on the ground.

Sure enough, the particular knight defensive shaken curry shoes immediately after scoring started rising inside his Arsenal, outside his / her 3-pointer by continuous, in those days he was given the means to just like Kevin durant got chance within the first half. After three points inside the database is still attack, he this section one bomb beneath 14 points.

Today can be June 1, the time kd shoes may be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is amongst the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested most of the holiday to battle, they are still the contribution for the brilliant stroke, but also pass a 3-pointer through Kevin durant. The past 3 minutes, garage off in advance of schedule, because the game had no suspense.

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BKI89yLem |20.07.19 : 06:42
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Like a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is he is the team sponsor and organizer. In different words, he can't end up like novak on the perimeter around waiting for kd shoes someone else to offer him the ball. We take novak to some comparison, everything also - reference counted for people like us each a 3-pointer allows objects, and to occasion, after statistics, novak found shock as to hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is really a teammate's pass and reach; Three-point shots hit the 2nd more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't exception, he hit curry shoes throughout 213, has 206 will depend on your friend's passing.

The garage He each of the 3-pointer this season, there are 105 of 3 isn't sending (272), to put it differently, is to create possibilities, nasty sto vote. This trick from the team's star, such as flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because somebody errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio is just not high. But obviously can be an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is just not assists quantity highest in alliance,stephen curry shoes even better when compared with lebron James thrown in to more all 3-pointers, and the shooting is in a new league all five this sort of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), each quality and quantity. Used together, the three points in order to thrown into space is not an easy thing, will need to have the forty percent three-point shots should create his own photos, this how tired! Probably the most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a superior percentage. It is no wonder which the manager of the warriors when Bob myers not too long ago told the Associated Mass media said: "as long while it's garage, to get the ball is reasonable. inches.

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BKI89yLem |21.07.19 : 05:20
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry were recalled,kd shoes "people said I was too short, don't perform college basketball, then for that same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People don't even think I can play guard, then said I am not really a pure point guard, until October of not too long ago, I also found which the general manager of funny to me as the league 3 rd good shooting guard. I have not yet fully perform their full potential, so i set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve for being more outstanding. "

"We've never met a person with curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and move, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, lower-leg, in the face of two double forced to help......, any thought of firing mode, you can see he or she is astonishingly. We have never ever seen anyone can accomplish this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a higher level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but additionally it is a level. And his / her other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such as dell and I played out together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but these people didn't garage so complete, this guy is absolutely no limit. "

Timer and also dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes along with 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still delayed step. Garage again to try and do a beautiful jumper - it may not be strictly jumper, his toe will be from the ground, under the condition on the body is still soaring, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury physique slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor with an additional 10 degrees Point of view. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds an average of, the garage from planning action to dial this ball moves, it simply takes 0. 4 a few moments. Fast to make up with the deficiency of the shed height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the operation, the look of garage is usually along with them. His arm still moves when the posture, and of his / her teammates has begun for you to pose three gestures...

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BobbyLem |26.07.19 : 07:02
Комментарии: 2892

Зарегистрирован: 29.09.17 : 14:18

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BKI89yLem |10.09.19 : 17:07
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points seriously isn't the whole garage everyday work, and don't forget about, Stephen curry is the particular team in assists and also steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists inside the regular season, 14 inside the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes will be averaging 9. 3 assists for the reason that league the first! Let's imagine a photo, 40 minutes per game within the Treasury, attack launched a multitude of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't inside the outside, but the golf ball inside, attracted a dual... What will happen subsequently? There was a man the guy can tell you the remedy, curry shoes he called clay - Thompson, from the older state warriors, he made this season 211 3-pointers, finished third inside league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 is derived from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 time of year to contrast the shed and ray Allen within '05 -' 06 -- Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he's the Seattle supersonics. Which year, Allen's 269 involving 653 three-point shots, shot 41. 2%, as Stephen : 272 of 600 photographs in his Arsenal, as tall as 45. 3%; That yr, Alan ball attack develop 3 ratio is less than a quarter, compared with 38. 6% in database; That year, Allen's assists the number 3. 7, less compared to the Treasury for three assists. So the outline, the image of alternative 3-pointers hand decrease the garage outline: he not simply completed the sharpshooter track record, his teammates for his creation of free-throw chances into; He will also look for opportunities as well, through the ball cutting-edge, stopped for no helps 3-pointer of shots. In addition, he also can move assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Besides can catch vote, will even urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to some others, this star, unique! I am kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are actually unable to define Stephen curry, must also be in with a new "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |14.10.19 : 05:34
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got used to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kd shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't enjoy college basketball, then for that same reason that Could not play in the NBA. People don't think I can play defend, then said I am not really a pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found the general manager of funny to my opinion as the league 3rd good shooting guard. We've not yet fully engage in their full potential, therefore i set a higher regular to himself, committed to continuously improve for being more outstanding. "

"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach mark Jackson said, "and move, stop and go empty-handed, hook hand, step back, knee, in the face of two double forced to be able to......, any thought of shooting mode, you can see he's astonishingly. We have in no way seen anyone can accomplish this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played an increased level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but it is usually a level. And his other like reggie miller, Chris mullin, such while dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but many people didn't garage so extensive, this guy is not any limit. "

Timer along with dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still later step. Garage again to perform a beautiful jumper - it's not strictly jumper, his toe will be outside the ground, under the condition of the body is still soaring, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more complicated to block, as well as involving the ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Position. NBA players to period takes 0. 6 seconds on average, the garage from preparing action to dial this ball moves, it solely takes 0. 4 moments. Fast to make up for that deficiency of the shed height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the operation, the look of garage is usually along with them. His arm still moves in the event the posture, and of their teammates has begun to help pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |16.10.19 : 10:27
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

2 steals in his Collection, stephen curry shoes in the first one fourth, and the two steals to garage an overall of 106 times from the playoffs career steals, that transcends the rick Craig, became the steals within the history of the warriors team inside playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers from the game, this also let his / her playoff three-pointers hit number approximately 261, match the Robert horry, ninth three points in playoff record list. Distance comes 9th Chauncey billups, he in addition only six three details.

37 points in solely three games, came curry shoes alive, and this is his this year, including playoffs) 9th score 35 + activity with three alone, over 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top league.

So many record the very first world war, there is no doubt how the game can be reportedly the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first 3 games, garage is averaging 28. 3 points and some. 7 rebounds, 6 allows, shooting 40. 3% as well as 35. 3% from a few, compared with the standard season shooting stage, a particular degree of decline, even so the game, garage completely nuts. The blazers in many players to hound them, but no one can easily disturb his rhythm. Garage, as it were, in the game again to learn "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kevin durant shoes 7 goals, including vast kilometers of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting inside the stands to watch the old garage, it also appears to have son's playing god look like some incredible performance. The lens towards the old garage, he could hardly help but shook the head.

Of course, whatever other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with absolute confidence. In the finally quarter the warriors with 88-58 big lead the particular blazers, garage outside the particular three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, this individual turned back field, the ball firmly in to the basket, the whole pandemonium. Can put the three points in this particular state, the other celebration can say what?

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BKI89yLem |01.11.19 : 10:16
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got utilized to my evaluation, " curry recalled,kevin durant shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't play college basketball, then for that same reason that I cannot play in the NBA. People don't believe I can play safeguard, then said I am not a pure point guard, until October of recently, I also found that the general manager of funny in my experience as the league next good shooting guard. I have not yet fully play their full potential, well, i set a higher standard to himself, committed to continuously improve to get more outstanding. "

"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and rotate, stop and go empty-handed, find hand, step back, calf, in the face associated with two double forced to be able to......, any thought of filming mode, you can see he is astonishingly. We have never ever seen anyone can attain this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a high level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but additionally it is a level. And his or her other like reggie cooper, Chris mullin, such since dell and I enjoyed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are just about all fantastic striker, but they didn't garage so extensive, this guy is absolutely no limit. "

Timer and dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes in addition to 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to towards the garage, but still later step. Garage again to try and do a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be out from the ground, under the condition on the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury entire body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more complicated to block, as well as relating to the ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Point of view. NBA players to occasion takes 0. 6 seconds an average of, the garage from preparing action to dial your ball moves, it only takes 0. 4 seconds. Fast to make up to the deficiency of the storage height, the ball well stay away from the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the process, the look of garage is usually along with them. His arm still moves in the event the posture, and of the teammates has begun to be able to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |01.11.19 : 19:21
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Finals last season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes just isn't very ideal, although the data well, but the efficiency just isn't high, and his returning pass error, defensive irvine was manufactured key 3 points are getting to be a "black spots" second, apparently, in hope that within this to prove himself.

Not any, after the opening, the three points in the database and didn't struck two shots, on the contrary, the knight a few points would hit a lot of over there. Garage or give attention to defense, he para as well as lebron, Irwin, JR., have been people already, also include successful prevention.

In moving, did well in the Treasury, the ball to your teammate are fed adequately, but Mr Chu in several opportunity attack. 04 seconds left from the first quarter, garage dribble for the frontcourt, rhythm, but he is confident the take several steps away from the three-point line and it's really necessary to make curry shoes actions, the ball! This can also be the warriors in the very first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances for the right side of the camp again in a 3 points!

It is worth mentioning that this opening, the garage proper arm was wearing a black gear, it can be because his right elbow from the game before the old injury carries a relapse, however, with the overall game, he has to lose protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the take care of, before he took off as i feel much better.

Inside against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in the Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a new knocked out, the referee possesses stephen curry shoes blown the garage stopping foul, garage on the bottom is various, make action towards referee said lebron shoulder.

In breakthrough, garage is also a difficult moves, all kinds of people all the method up his defense, which includes lebron, but Treasury first in all sorts of dazzling dribble move Thompson, immediately after air and rival crash cases, the hard to score.

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BKI89yLem |14.11.19 : 09:05
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry remembered,kevin durant shoes "people said I has been too short, don't engage in college basketball, then for the same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People don't believe I can play guard, then said I am not really a pure point guard, until October of last year, I also found that the general manager of funny in my opinion as the league 3rd good shooting guard. I have not yet fully participate in their full potential, therefore i set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "

"We've never met having it . curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach tag Jackson said, "and spin, stop and go empty-handed, capture hand, step back, knee, in the face involving two double forced in order to......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see he is astonishingly. We have never ever seen anyone can reach this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played an increased level, the two-time MVP award, shooting is incredible, but additionally it is a level. And their other like reggie cooper, Chris mullin, such because dell and I played out together - Ellis, dell : Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but these people didn't garage so detailed, this guy is no limit. "

Timer in addition to dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes along with 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to near the garage, but still delayed step. Garage again to perform a beautiful jumper - it isn't strictly jumper, his toe will be out of the ground, under the condition of the body is still increasing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to perform the hand. Treasury physique slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as between ball and floor with an additional 10 degrees Perspective. NBA players to period takes 0. 6 seconds typically, the garage from arranging action to dial the particular ball moves, it just takes 0. 4 moments. Fast to make up to the deficiency of the storage area height, the ball well pun intended, the opponent blocking fly toward the basket along the way, the look of garage is usually along with them. His arm still moves in the event the posture, and of his teammates has begun to help pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |15.11.19 : 21:54
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

As being a core point guard, garage and also other three split the difference is he is the team bring in and organizer. In various other words, he can't be like novak on the perimeter around anticipating kevin durant shoes someone else to provide him the ball. We take novak into a comparison, everything also - reference counted for people each a 3-pointer allows objects, and to occasion, after statistics, novak found shock as to hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is usually a teammate's pass and struck; Three-point shots hit the other more this season Ryan - Anderson is no exception, he hit curry shoes with 213, has 206 relies on your friend's passing.

The garage He all of the 3-pointer this season, you will find 105 of 3 is just not sending (272), basically, is to create chances, nasty sto vote. This trick within the team's star, such because flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because an individual errs, physical strength usage, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously is an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times isn't assists quantity highest throughout alliance,stephen curry shoes even better compared to lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, and the shooting is in the league all five this kind of not assists free-throw shooting players out on the fifth (41. 8%), equally quality and quantity. Used together, the three points to thrown into space is not an easy thing, must have the forty percent three-point shots ought to create his own photos, this how tired! Probably the most precious is, no make a difference when and where, and how to make moves, garage has a high percentage. It is no wonder that the manager of the players when Bob myers recently told the Associated Media said: "as long because it's garage, to find the ball is reasonable. inch.

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BKI89yLem |20.11.19 : 04:26
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Storage area, 26, is one kd shoes on the largest child, dell - garage in 2002, his / her dad announced over 07 years of career, finally paid 40. 2% on threes survey card. From a quite young age, Stephen throughout the shooting learned how to shoot in the feet of the grasp, when dad refused to adopt him to the hornets teaching, Stephen will be pursed lips, not because can't visit those big-name players, the old you're, but because he also wish to be with my dad, to apply his shot.

At the age of 9, garage is of his or her own stephen curry shoes amateur league teams of players, only if the coach has to outside shot collapse at the opponent's zone will end up being sent. Recalled the your self, garage proudly said: "when My partner and i was a defense experts, all start from presently there. "

To go back to curry shoes the original text, in the event the garage near the baseball in midfield, people tend to overlook just about the most important thing: pool golf ball skills. Sonya, thanks to be able to his mother, then any 5 feet tall 3, cordial and some stubborn woman again while doing so, she was in high school graduation played point guard, embracing the volleyball after to the campus of Virginia technological, and meet the car port there's father. "If I dribble towards coast, I have to settle on to shoot or go, it's my limit. "Dell stated, "people started for Stephen impression is all he'll beautiful posture hit photos, but before becoming a striker, he already was a much better control player, people have a tendency to ignore it. After the dribble shot, is I the most beautiful moments. Thanks to his / her mother. ".

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BKI89yLem |22.11.19 : 17:39
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points is just not the whole garage every day work, and don't overlook, Stephen curry is the actual team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists from the regular season, 14 within the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes will be averaging 9. 3 assists because the league the first! Let's imagine images, 40 minutes per game from the Treasury, attack launched a multitude of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't from the outside, but the baseball inside, attracted a dual... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he can tell you the solution, curry shoes he called clay -- Thompson, from the gold state warriors, he made this year 211 3-pointers, finished third from the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 time of year to contrast the garage and ray Allen with '05 -' 06 -- Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he or she is the Seattle supersonics. Which year, Allen's 269 of 653 three-point shots, shot 41. 2%, as Stephen - 272 of 600 photos in his Arsenal, often 45. 3%; That calendar year, Alan ball attack generate 3 ratio is less than a quarter, compared along with 38. 6% in data bank; That year, Allen's assists the quantity 3. 7, less than the Treasury for three facilitates. So the outline, the image of your alternative 3-pointers hand decrease the garage outline: he not simply completed the sharpshooter track record, his teammates for their creation of free-throw options into; He will also look for opportunities at the same time, through the ball state-of-the-art, stopped for no assists 3-pointer of shots. Moreover, he also can pass assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not merely can catch vote, may also urgent stopped, can build more opportunities to some others, this star, unique! I'm kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are already unable to define Stephen curry, must also be in with any "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |26.12.19 : 12:01
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

"I got helpful to my evaluation, " curry recalled,kevin durant shoes "people said I ended up being too short, don't enjoy college basketball, then with the same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People don't even think I can play shield, then said I am not only a pure point guard, until October of recently, I also found that the general manager of funny to me as the league 3 rd good shooting guard. We have not yet fully play their full potential, therefore i set a higher normal to himself, committed to continuously improve being more outstanding. "

"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach indicate Jackson said, "and rotate, stop and go empty-handed, hook hand, step back, knee, in the face regarding two double forced to be able to......, any thought of capturing mode, you can see he or she is astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can achieve this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a superior level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but it is also a level. And their other like reggie callier, Chris mullin, such because dell and I competed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but they will didn't garage so thorough, this guy is no limit. "

Timer and also dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes and also 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still overdue step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it is not strictly jumper, his toe will be from the ground, under the condition on the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to finish the hand. Treasury system slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as between ball and floor on an additional 10 degrees Point of view. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds on average, the garage from getting ready action to dial your ball moves, it solely takes 0. 4 just a few seconds. Fast to make up for the deficiency of the shed height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the act, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves if your posture, and of their teammates has begun to pose three gestures...

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BKI89yLem |26.12.19 : 12:36
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Throw three points seriously isn't the whole garage regular work, and don't forget about, Stephen curry is the actual team in assists and steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists from the regular season, 14 within the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is usually averaging 9. 3 assists since the league the first! Let's imagine a graphic, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched dozens of times, there are always a number of ball he wasn't inside the outside, but the ball inside, attracted a increase... What will happen subsequently? There was a man he can tell you the answer, curry shoes he called clay -- Thompson, from the fantastic state warriors, he made shock as to 211 3-pointers, finished third within the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 hails from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 season to contrast the car port and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 : Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he could be the Seattle supersonics. That year, Allen's 269 regarding 653 three-point shots, picture 41. 2%, as Stephen -- 272 of 600 photographs in his Arsenal, as tall as 45. 3%; That 12 months, Alan ball attack create 3 ratio is below a quarter, compared having 38. 6% in repository; That year, Allen's assists the phone number 3. 7, less versus Treasury for three helps. So the outline, the image of the alternative 3-pointers hand straight down the garage outline: he not merely completed the sharpshooter history, his teammates for their creation of free-throw chances into; He will also look for opportunities at the same time, through the ball development, stopped for no facilitates 3-pointer of shots. Furthermore, he also can go assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not only can catch vote, will also urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to other people, this star, unique! I am kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words happen to be unable to define Stephen curry, also have to be in with any "great" rhetoric.

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BKI89yLem |30.12.19 : 11:10
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

Being a core point guard, garage and also other three split the difference is which he is the team attract and organizer. In different words, he can't resemble novak on the perimeter around looking forward to kd shoes someone else to give him the ball. We take novak to your comparison, everything also - reference counted for people like us each a 3-pointer assists objects, and to time, after statistics, novak found this year hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 can be a teammate's pass and strike; Three-point shots hit the 2nd more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't a exception, he hit curry shoes with 213, has 206 relies on your friend's passing.

The garage He all the 3-pointer this season, you'll find 105 of 3 isn't sending (272), basically, is to create options, nasty sto vote. This trick from the team's star, such while flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because somebody errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of times few, and the hit ratio just isn't high. But obviously is definitely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times is just not assists quantity highest in alliance,stephen curry shoes even better in comparison with lebron James thrown in to more all 3-pointers, and the shooting is in a league all five such not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), both equally quality and quantity. Consumed together, the three points to thrown into space is not an easy thing, will need to have the forty percent three-point shots need to create his own photographs, this how tired! The most precious is, no subject when and where, and making moves, garage has a superior percentage. It is no wonder which the manager of the a warrior when Bob myers just lately told the Associated Media said: "as long seeing that it's garage, to get the ball is reasonable. inches.

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BKI89yLem |18.05.20 : 04:07
Комментарии: 7596

Зарегистрирован: 20.12.18 : 05:10

To be a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that she is the team attract and organizer. In different words, he can't be like novak on the perimeter around awaiting kevin durant shoes someone else to supply him the ball. We take novak to some comparison, everything also - reference counted for people like us each a 3-pointer helps objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found this season hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is usually a teammate's pass and struck; Three-point shots hit the 2nd more this season Ryan - Anderson is no exception, he hit with 213, has 206 relies upon your friend's passing.

The garage He all of the 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 just isn't sending (272), put simply, is to create chances, nasty sto vote. This trick in the team's star, such while flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Robert, but often because somebody errs, physical strength consumption, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio isn't high. But obviously can be an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times just isn't assists quantity highest with alliance, even better when compared with lebron James thrown in more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in any league all five such not assists free-throw shooting players from the fifth (41. 8%), both quality and quantity. Consumed together, the three points to thrown into space is just not an easy thing, will need to have the forty percent three-point shots must create his own images, this how tired! The most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a higher percentage. It is no wonder that the manager of the players when Bob myers recently told the Associated Press said: "as long seeing that it's garage, to obtain the ball is reasonable. ".

Tag: yeezy shoes

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